The flowers of white clover are white and small, and many gather together to make a sphere. The three leaves meen trust, hope, and love. With the addition of one of the lucky ones, it becomes a “four-leaf clover”.
【英名】White Clover
【学名】Trifolium repens
【誕生】05/ 09, 05/ 27, 05/ 29, 06/ 03, 06/ 17
【開花】04, 05, 06, 07, 08月

White Clover
White clover is a perennial herb of the Fabaceae family. The place of origin is Europe, and it had spread all over the world as a pasture. Japan was also introduced during the Edo period, and was naturalized and spread to various places. It is distributed from Hokkaido to Okinawa and grows naturally on roadsides, banks, fields, and wastelands. Although it is vulnerable to the heat of summer, it is strong against trampling and reaping, and has strong fertility.
The origin of the Japanese name “white packing grass” for white clover is that in the Edo period, when fragile glass products were imported from the Netherlands, dried white flower foliage was packed together in a box as a shock absorber. In addition, since the white “V” -shaped pattern is placed in the middle of the leaflets, it is also written as “white claw grass” as if it were the half moon of a claw.
The origin of the English name white clover is “clava” which means a club in Latin. In Roman mythology, Hercules had the club which attached three bumps on the tip, which became the English “club”. The Latin genus name Trifolium means “three leaves” and the species name repens means “crawling”.
The stems of white clover crawl on the ground and grow their roots from the nodes. The leaves are alternating three leaflets with a long peduncle, and the oval leaflets close and fold in half at night. The flowers are white and small, and many gather to make a sphere. The florets are butterfly-shaped and have sharp stalks, and when polluted, they turn brown and hang down. After the flowers, pods are formed and seeds are contained inside.
White clover is a protein-rich Leguminosae grass and is used in livestock farming along with carbohydrate-rich Gramineae grass. It also improves soil fertility as a green manure in which Rhizobium grow and fix nitrogen. It is a honey source plant that can obtain rich honey, and is used as a substitute for lawns in parks and for controlling weeds in gardens. In addition to being edible and medicinal, it can also be used as a necklace.
“Four-leaf clover” is a symbol of good luck in white clover. This is because the three leaflets are “trust,” “hope,” and “love,” and the fourth is “luck.” The four leaflets resemble a cross, so they were also used to protect against evil. Furthermore, the five leaves are “money luck” and the six leaves are “honor”. Seven leaves are “infinite happiness”.