Sedum aizoon was planted for ornamental purposes, and was also used as an ointment and a crop to prepare for famine. Kirin is an animal that appears in Chinese mythology. It is a creature of auspiciousness that appears in a peaceful time.
【和名】麒麟草, 黄輪草
【英名】Sedum Aizoon
【学名】Phedimus aizoon
【誕生】08/ 13
【開花】05, 06, 07, 08月

Sedum Aizoon
Sedum aizoon is a perennial herb of the family Crassulaceae. It is distributed from the Japanese archipelago to eastern Siberia, the Korean Peninsula, and China, and grows naturally in rocky areas and grasslands from the coast to the mountains. In addition to being planted for ornamental purposes, the juice of medicated ground leaves is applied to insect bites and cuts, and boiled leaves are dried and stored for famine. Flower language is vigilant.
The origin of the name of Kirinso: sedum aizoon is that “Kijinsou” and “Kijigusa”, which mean grasses that can be used as wound medicine, have changed. Initially, the kanji notation was “yellow ring grass” because yellow flowers bloom like a ring, but later it was changed to “Kirin grass” by assigning the name of an animal that appears in Chinese mythology. Kirin is a legendary creature of auspiciousness that appears in a peaceful time.
In spring, the thick stems of sedum aizoon stand up straight, and the thick leaves alternate. The leaves are oval and have a shallow jagged edge at the tip. At the tip of the stem, small star-shaped flowers gather flat and radiate out. The flower is made of 5 petals, 5 sepals, 10 male stamens, and the stigma of the female pelvis is sharp. After flowering, it forms a sack fruit.
“Tekaridake” is short and grows naturally in the Akaishi Mountains. “Hosoba” has thin leaves and grows naturally north of Chubu region. “Kamtschaticus” has small leaves, dense stems, and grows naturally in Hokkaido. “Sikokianus” has opposite leaves and grows naturally in the Shikoku Mountains. “Takesimense” has a woody stem and grows naturally in Takeshima.