The flower of Wandering Jew is a small triangle with three white petals, and eight stamens are densely populated with long cilia. The leaves are long, pointed oval, resembling dayflowers.
【仮名】トキワツユクサ, ノハカタカラクサ
【和名】常磐露草, 野博多唐草
【英名】Wandering Jew, Small-leaf Spiderwort
【学名】Tradescantia fluminensis
【誕生】05/ ??
【開花】05, 06, 07, 08月
Wandering Jew
Wandering Jew is an evergreen perennial of the Commelinaceae family. The place of origin is South America. It came to Japan as a horticultural plant in the early Showa period. Initially, the leaves had white spots, but after they escaped, they mutated and the spots disappeared. It grows widely from humid places such as under trees and waterside to sunny places such as fields and ridges.
The origin of the name of evergreen dayflower is that the above-ground part does not die in winter. When it was introduced to Japan, it was “Variegated leaf Tradescantia fluminensis”, but it became wild and the variegation disappeared, and it became “Tradescantia fluminensis”. The English name “Wandering Jew” is a legendary person who keeps walking on the ground until he is forgiven.
The stem of Wandering Jew crawls on the ground and roots from the node. The leaves are long, pointed oval and opposite. It is similar to the dayflower. The flower has a floral pattern from the axil and is a small triangle with three white petals. There are 8 stamens. The filaments are white, the anthers are yellow, and the long cilia are dense. The flower language is “respect”, but it is a foreign organism that needs attention.