Rose evening primrose secretly blooms small flowers at night, so the flower language is “cowardly”, but it is a very bewitching flower with dark red streaks on the pale pink petals.
【仮名】ユウゲショウ, アカバナユウゲショウ
【和名】夕化粧, 赤花夕化粧
【英名】Rose Evening Primrose
【学名】Oenothera rosea
【誕生】07/ 22, 07/ 28
【開花】05, 06, 07, 08, 09月

Rose Evening Primrose
Rose evening primrose is a perennial plant of the Onagraceae family. The place of origin is from southern North America to South America, and it was brought to Japan for ornamental purposes during the Meiji era and became wild. It grows naturally on the roadside west of Kanto. The stems are crowded and the leaves are alternate. The leaves are lanceolate and have shallow jagged edges, but may have irregular cuts near the ground.
The name of rose evening primrose comes from the fact that the flowers start to bloom in the evening. However, unlike other species of the genus Evening Primrose, it blooms in the daytime. The species name Rosea means “rose-like or red” after the flower color. It is also called “Red Flower Evening Primrose”, because it is confusing with the popular name of Marvel of Peru “Evening Primrose”.
The four round petals of rose evening primrose are pale pink with dark red streaks and a yellow-green center. The stamens are 8 and the anthers are white, and the pistils are red at the tip and cross-shaped. After flowering, it produces capsules, and when it ripens and gets wet in the rain, the lower part tears and the seeds scatter. Small flower blooms at night, so the flower language is “cowardly”, but it is a bewitching flower.