The Bad Eggplant: Japanese name of Carolina Horsenettle comes from the fact that the flower resembles an eggplant, the stems and leaves have spines, and the fruit contains poison. It is a naturalized weed that is difficult to eradicate once it invades agricultural land.
【英名】Carolina Horsenettle
【学名】Solanum carolinense
【誕生】08/ 28, 11/ 21
【開花】06, 07, 08月
Carolina Horsenettle
Carolina Horsenettle is a perennial herb of the Solanaceae family. It is native to the Carolina area of the southeastern United States. Its distribution has spread all over the world, and even in Japan it grows naturally from Hokkaido to Okinawa. It extends its rhizomes vertically and horizontally and invades farmlands. When plowed in to exterminate, it regenerates one after another from torn rhizomes. It’s a troublesome naturalized weed that will grow on the contrary.
The Bad Eggplant: Japanese name of Carolina Horsenettle comes from the fact that the flower resembles an eggplant, the stems and leaves have spines, and the fruit contains poison. It was discovered in 1906 by Dr. Tomitaro Makino at the royal ranch in Narita City, Chiba Prefecture, and named it. It is difficult to get rid of when it invades agricultural land, and has English names such as “Apple of Sodom” and “Devil’s Tomato”. Flower language is also “mischief”.
The stem of Carolina Horsenettle has many branches, and each node bends into a “dogleg” shape. Sharp and hard spines grow not only on the stems, but also on the petioles and veins on the underside of the leaves. The leaves are alternate and oblong. There is a large notch on the edge. The flower has a star-shaped corolla that is shallowly 5-lobed and spreads out like a dish. After flowering, it produces yellow spherical berries.
Carolina Horsenettle is a foreign species that needs attention. The fruit is inedible because the whole plant contains solanine, which is toxic. Livestock may accidentally ingest it on pasture and die of poisoning. Even if it grows outside of agricultural lands, it spreads pests such as the ladybird beetle and causes crop damage to other members of the Solanaceae family, such as potatoes.