Silk Tree flowers are celestial fans. It has a faintly sweet scent of peach. The name of Sleeping Tree in Japanese comes from the fact that the leaves close when the sun goes down. It looks like sleeping.
【英名】Silk Tree, Pink Siris
【学名】Albizia julibrissin
【誕生】07/ 15, 08/ 17
【開花】06, 07, 08月
【花色】White, Pink, Red

Silk Tree
Silk Tree is a deciduous tall tree of the Fabaceae family. It is native to Southwest Asia, from Iran to Afghanistan. Despite its origin in the tropics, it is resistant to cold and is distributed in India, China, Taiwan, the Korean Peninsula, and Japan. In Japan, from Honshu to Shikoku, Kyushu, and the Nansei Islands, it grows naturally in the mountains and fields, and is planted in parks and gardens.
Silk Trees are resistant to salt damage, and root nodule bacteria fixate nitrogen in the air, so they can grow without problems even in poor land along the coast. On the other hand, it does not like a place with poor sunlight or dry. Flowers bloom in high places on tall trees, so it is necessary to plant them near the heights so that they can be easily seen.
The Japanese origin of the name of Silk Tree is “Sleeping Tree”. When the sun goes down, the petioles droop and the leaflets close to give the appearance of sleep. The leaves are alternate and pinnately compound with leaflets spreading like wings on both sides of the petiole. The kanji character is a Chinese word meaning that men and women enjoy together, and is derived from the way the leaflets close together.
Silk Tree flowers are celestial fans. The base of the fan is white and the top is pink. Stamens look like flowers. It has yellow anthers at the tip. Among them, the white ones that stick out a little are the pistil. The flowers bloom in the evening and have a sweet peach-like scent. After flowering, flattened and elongated pods are formed, turning brown when ripe.
Silk Tree is used for herbal medicine. The gray-brown bark along with the leaves is used as a diuretic, tonic, and analgesic, and the flowers are used to stabilize the mind and relieve insomnia. It is also related to “Exorcising drowsiness” of Tanabata. This is derived from the legend that “evil spirits bring drowsiness”. In some regions, the leaves of the Silk Tree are thrown into the river to ward off sleepiness.