Thunberg Lily: Slit Lily in Japanese comes from the fact that there is a gap at the base of the perianth, and the back can be seen through. It is rare in the genus Lilium that the flowers bloom upward and have no scent.
【英名】Thunberg Lily, Asiatic Hybrid
【学名】Lilium maculatum
【誕生】04/ 28, 07/ 18
【開花】06, 07, 08月
【花色】White, Pink, Red, Yellow, Orange

Thunberg Lily
Thunberg Lily is a perennial plant of the Liliaceae family. The place of origin is Japan, distributed north of the Kii Peninsula in Honshu. It is resistant to cold and grows naturally on sandy beaches, rocky areas, and mountain cliffs. Crossbreeding for gardening has been promoted for a long time, and a variety group called ‘Asiatic hybrids’ is formed. All of them are distributed under the name of ‘Thunberg Lily’.
Thunberg Lily: Slit Lily in Japanese comes from the fact that there is a gap at the base of the perianth, and the back can be seen through. Another name is derived from the wild environment of the original species, such as ‘beach lily’, ‘rocky lily’, and ‘rocky door lily’. In addition, rocky lilies are used on the Sea of Japan side, rocky door lilies on the Pacific side, Thunberg lilies for horticultural species, and rocky door lilies for wild species.
The flower of Thunberg Lily has 3 petals and 3 sepals. Among the genus Lilium that bloom downward or sideways, this flower blooms upward, which is rare, and it doesn’t smell like other lilies. The perianth of the native species is bright orange with brown spots, but there are various garden species. After flowering, it forms a capsule, and when ripe, it splits and scatters the seeds.
Among native species, the orange-colored ‘Lilium pensylvanicum’ is distributed from Hokkaido to Karafuto, Siberia, and northeastern China. It is also called ‘hair lily’ because the buds and leaves are covered with hair. And ‘Lilium concolor’ with bright red flowers is distributed from Tohoku to Kyushu. In addition, there are various cultivars such as ivory, pink on white, and black purple.