Scabiosa Japonica grows in sunny areas in mountains and plateaus from Hokkaido to Kyushu. The pale and gentle violet flowers sway in the wind that colors autumn in yellowish brown.
【和名】松虫草, 山蘿蔔
【英名】Scabiosa Japonica
【学名】Scabiosa japonica
【誕生】06/ 30, 08/ 13
【開花】08, 09, 10月
【花色】White, Violet

Scabiosa Japonica
Scabiosa Japonica is a biennial plant of the Caprifoliaceae family. It is distributed from Hokkaido to Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu, and grows in clusters in sunny areas of mountains and plateaus. The pale and gentle violet flowers sway in the wind that colors autumn in yellowish brown. It used to be eaten as a wild vegetable in dips and salads. It was used as a medicinal herb to treat headaches and fevers.
The Japanese name of Scabiosa Japonica means “grass of a species of cricket”. This is because the flowers bloom around the time this insect chirps. It is also said that this is because the shape of the flower after the flower resembles a Buddhist altar tool that makes a sound similar to the chirping of this insect. The Latin genus name Scabiosa means “scabies.” This is because in the past, Scabiosa was used to treat scabies.
Scabiosa Japonica has thick roots and upright stems. Leaves grow basally in the first year and alternate in the second year. It is pinnately deeply lobed, with the lobes narrowing upwards. The flowers are flower heads, with the central floret shaped like a tube and the surrounding florets shaped like a tongue. Both tubular flowers and ray flowers have five-lobed corollas and five stamens. After flowering, the fruit is a ball-shaped made up of spiny seeds.
Scabiosa Japonica variety “Alpina” is distributed in the highlands of Honshu and Shikoku. The plant height is short, the flowers are large, and they bloom in summer. “Littoralis” is distributed along the coasts of the Kanto region. It has a short plant height, thick leaves, and white flowers. “Acutiloba” is distributed in northern Japan. “Breviligula” is distributed in the serpentinite areas of the Higashi Mikawa region.
A close relative of Scabiosa Japonica, “Atropurpurea,” is native to Europe. The flowers are rich in color, and the center and periphery of the flowers are swollen. “Caucasica” is native to Europe and Western Asia. The petals are wide and the flowers are large. The dwarf species “Columbaria” is used as a potted plant. “Ochroleuca”, which has small pale yellow flowers, is used for garden planting.