Tropical Milkweed’s English name comes from the white sap that comes out when the stems and leaves are damaged. The flowers are rich in nectar and attract many butterflies.
【仮名】トウワタ, アスクレピアス
【英名】Tropical Milkweed, Blood Flower, Cotton Bush
【学名】Asclepias curassavica
【誕生】07/ 18, 09/ 11
【開花】04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09月
【花色】Red, Yellow, Orange

Tropical Milkweed
Tropical Milkweed is a perennial or annual plant of the Apocynaceae family. It is native to Central and South America, and was introduced to Japan at the end of the Edo period. The main varieties include “Red Butterfly,” which has a red corolla and yellow subcorollas, and “Silky Gold,” which has both yellow corollas and subcorollas. The flowers are rich in nectar and attract many butterflies.
The Japanese name of Tropical Milkweed means “foreign cotton,” and this cotton refers to the hairs that grow on the seeds. The English name comes from the fact that when the stems and leaves are damaged, a white sap is released. The Latin genus name Asclepias comes from a doctor who appears in Greek mythology, and the species name curassavica comes from the Caribbean island nation.
The stems of Tropical Milkweed are dense and woody, and the leaves are lanceolate and opposite. The flowers are small and bloom in clusters at the tip of the stem. The corolla splits into five parts and curves back, the subcorolla splits into five parts and fills with nectar, and the stamens and pistils unite to form a column. After flowering, the fruit forms a spindle-shaped bag, which splits open when ripe, releasing seeds with long silky hairs on the wind.
“Tuberosa”, a species closely related to Tropical Milkweed, has long, slender leaves, and the juice that oozes out from damaged stems is transparent. It is resistant to cold and can survive winter even in Japan. It was introduced at the end of the Taisho era. “Syriaca” has wide leaves and flowers clustered together in a ball shape. It was introduced in the middle of the Meiji period. Both are native to North America.
Tropical Milkweed became a herbal medicine and was used to treat bronchitis, tonsillitis, mastitis, etc. It contains the cardiac glycoside “asklepine” in the whole plant. While it has pharmacological effects such as sweating, deworming, hemostasis, and emesis, it can also cause toxic symptoms such as vomiting, arrhythmia, and heart failure.