Salvia nipponica grows wild in slightly damp places such as in the shade of trees in mountains. It has yellow flowers that light up the forest floor. Its flowers are lip-shaped, with a protruding pistil and two stamens.
【仮名】キバナアキギリ, コトジソウ
【和名】黄花秋桐, 琴柱草
【英名】Salvia nipponica, Japanese Woodland Sage
【学名】Salvia nipponica
【開花】08, 09, 10月

Salvia nipponica
Salvia nipponica is a perennial plant of the Lamiaceae family. It is distributed in Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu, and grows naturally in slightly damp places such as in the shade of trees in mountains. While the flowers bloom like lights on the forest floor, the young shoots can be eaten in tempura and seasoned dishes. The language of flowers is “gorgeous youth”. Its variant, “kisoensis”, has pale yellow flowers and blooms in summer.
The Japanese name of Salvia nipponica means “the leaves are similar to Paulownia and the yellow flowers bloom in autumn”. There is also another name that means “the shape of the leaves resembles the pillars that stand on the body of the koto and support the strings”. The Latin genus name Salvia means “healing” or “health”. The species name nipponica means “Japanese”.
The stems of Salvia nipponica have four ridges with soft hairs and stand up at a slight angle from the ground. The leaves are triangular and halberd-shaped and grow opposite each other. It has an ear-like protrusion at the base and serrated edges. The flowers are lip-shaped, with a protruding pistil and two stamens. When an insect burrows between the upper and lower lips, the insect’s back sends and receives pollen. After flowering, it forms fruit.
Salvia glabrescens, a close relative of Salvia nipponica, is distributed from the Chubu region of Honshu to the Kinki region. The Latin species name glabrescens means “slightly hairless”. The stems stand up at an angle with four edges, the leaves are triangular and halberd-shaped and grow opposite each other, and the flowers are two-lipped with protruding pistils. They look very similar, but the flowers are reddish-purple.