In Japan, ornamental use is distinguished by the scientific name Salvia of the genus Sage, and herb use is distinguished by the English name sage. It is a perennial plant, but winter cannot pass in Japan.
【仮名】サルビア, ヒゴロモソウ
【和名】来路花, 緋衣草
【英名】Scarlet Sage
【学名】Salvia splendens
【誕生】07/ 27, 08/ 07, 08/ 31, 09/ 19, 10/ 04
【開花】06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11月
【花色】White, Pink, Red, Violet, Blue

Salvia is a perennial plant belonging to the genus Sage of the Labiatae family. Approximately 900 species are distributed mainly in Central and South America and Europe. The plant height is originally about 1 m, but most of the currently cultivated dwarf species are 30 to 50 cm.
The name Salvia is the scientific name for the genus Sage. The English name is sage. In Japan, the ornamental genus Sage is called salvia and the herb genus is called sage. Sage is included in the English variety name.
Salvia blooms in a variety of colors, from white to deep purple, from summer to autumn. Although it is basically a perennial plant, it is treated as an annual plant in many areas in Japan because it is vulnerable to cold weather.
Salvia “Splendence” is a red flower whose Japanese name is scarlet grass and whose English name is scarlet sage. Nectar is attached to the long lip flowers that grow from the tubular calyx, so bees, hoverflies and bee flies also visit.
Salvia “cherry sage” has a cherry-like scent on its petals. The leaves also have a strong scent, so they are added to herbal teas and dishes. The scent spreads around you just by shaking the branches lightly.