The origin of the name of Spirea is because it was first discovered in Shimotsuke Province. Filipendula multijuga, which looks exactly like it, is a single leaf, whereas it is a top leaflet with 5 fissures.
【仮名】シモツケ, キシモツケ
【和名】下野. 木下野
【英名】Japanese Spiraea, Japanese Meadowsweet
【学名】Spiraea japonica
【誕生】06/ 14, 10/ 13
【開花】05, 06, 07, 08月
【花色】White, Pink

Japanese Spiraea
Spiraea is a deciduous shrub of the genus Spiraea in the Rosaceae family. The genus name “Spiraea” means “spiral” in Greek because of the shape of the fruit. The Japanese name “Shimotsuke” was first discovered in Shimotsuke Province (present-day Tochigi Prefecture).
Spirea and Filipendula multijuga look exactly the same. Therefore, spirea is also known as Kinoshita, as opposed to Shimotsuke. The difference between the two is the leaves, Spirea japonica is a single leaf, and Filipendula multijuga is a top leaflet with 5 fissures.
The flower language of spirea is “orderly” because small flowers are densely packed and look like one flower. There is also the word “transience” because the long flowers of the stamens look like frost.
This is a flower language according to Chinese legend. A girl goes to an enemy land to help her captured father, but her father has already died of illness. She brought back the flowers she had bloomed by the grave there and she made her beautiful flowers every year.