Skank vine gives off a foul odor when it damages its leaves and stems, while it blooms very pretty flowers. It has been popular in Japan for a long time.
【仮名】ヘクソカズラ, サオトメバナ, サオトメカズラ, ヤイトバナ, ウマクワズ
【和名】屁糞葛, 早乙女花, 早乙女蔓, 灸花, 馬くわず
【英名】Skank Vine, Stink Vine
【学名】Paederia scandens
【誕生】09/ 09
【開花】07, 08, 09月

Skank Vine
Skank vine is a perennial vine of the genus Paederia foetida in the family Rubiaceae. If you damage the leaves or stems, it will give off a foul odor. It has been popular in Japan for a long time, and it is also written in “Manyoshu” as “Ukatsu”.
The causative agent of the foul odor of Skank vine is mercaptan. It is also produced in the human body and is the source of the odor of flatulence and stool. Due to this stench, it is also known as “without eating horses”. It is also called “Skunk vine” in English.
Skank vine also has pests. Hoshihojak and Hexokazuragunbai etc. In addition, the Paederia foetida aphid takes in the malodorous component of Skank vine and protects itself from foreign enemies.
Skank vine is also known as Saotomebana or Saotomekazura. This is because the appearance of the pretty flowers blooming and the appearance of the flowers floating in the water resembles the hat of a daughter (Saotome) who is planting rice.
Skank vine is also known as Yaitobana. This is because the place where the flower of Skank vine is placed face down looks like moxibustion. Also, the red part in the flower looks like a mark of moxibustion.
Skank vine is the Chinese name (Chinese name) “Keishito”. Crude drugs are collected during the flowering period and dried in the sun. It is said that it is good for diarrhea and jaundice when it is infused and taken.
The flower language is “I hate people” because Skank vine has a bad smell and keeps people away. On the other hand, there are also flower words such as “I want to solve the misunderstanding” and “Unexpected” because they make pretty flowers bloom.