Yellow sorrel flowers are yellow. Pale grass blue prefers to visit for honey sucking and spawning. The leaves are heart-shaped. At night, it folds in half to prevent transpiration of water.
【仮名】カタバミ, オッタチカタバミ
【和名】酢漿草, 片喰, 傍食, おっ立ち片喰
【英名】Yellow Sorrel, Common Yellow Woodsorrel
【学名】Oxalis corniculata
【誕生】05/ 20
【開花】04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10月

Yellow Sorrel
Yellow sorrel is a perennial plant of the family Oxalis. It blooms small flowers for a long time from spring to autumn. The flowers are yellow and have 5 petals. As the larvae feed on the grass, Pale grass blue visits for honey sucking and spawning. The place of origin is Japan and it is crawling. On the other hand, the common yellow woodsorrel, which is often mistaken, originates in North America.
The leaves of Yellow sorrel are heart-shaped, with three sharp edges gathered together. The leaves are folded at night to prevent transpiration of water. At this time, it seems that half of the leaves have been eaten, which is the origin of the name “half eaten”. The clover, which is the same trefoil and is often mistaken, is a legume with round leaves and a white pattern.
Yellow sorrel grows naturally in various places and has been familiar to us for a long time, so there are many aliases (local names). For example, “mirror grass” because it was used to polish Buddhist altars. Therefore, the flower language is “shining heart.” Also known as “Hallelujah” in France and Spain. Therefore, there is also the flower word “joy”.
Yellow sorrel contains a lot of ingredients called “Shu San”. Shu San is called “oxalic acid” in English because it was first isolated from oxalis. It also contains citric acid and tartaric acid, and has a sour taste when chewed. The crude drug “Saku Shou Sou” is used for anti-inflammatory, detoxification, anti-diarrhea, etc., and squeezed juice is used for insect bites as a folk remedy.
Yellow sorrel propagates on bulbs, thick roots extend deep underground, and foliage crawls on the surface of the earth. The fruit has a pointed tip and is shaped like a small okra. When ripe, you can pop it with just a touch. Red seeds pop out vigorously from inside and spread to the surroundings. Once spread, it is a weed that is difficult to control.