Duranta attaches small flowers in tufts to the hanging flower stalks. A popular variety is Takarazuka, which has dark purple petals and a white border. Gently shake the flowers in the wind.
【仮名】デュランタ, タイワンレンギョウ, ハリマツリ
【和名】台湾連翹, 針茉莉
【英名】Duranta, Golden Dewdrop
【誕生】08/ 11, 10/ 04
【開花】06, 07, 08, 09月
【花色】White, Violet, Blue

Duranta is a flowering tree of the Verbenaceae family. The name comes from a 16th century botanist. The place of origin is the tropics from Florida in the southern United States to Bermuda, the West Indies, Central America, and Brazil in South America. It is also found in Kenyan forests in Africa, but what was cultivated escaped and became wild.
Duranta attaches small flowers in tufts to the hanging flower stalks. The flower color is blue or white. It welcomes visitors at the entrance or in the garden. The flower language is “eye-catching appearance” and “selfishness” because the flowers bloom outstandingly and beautifully. On the other hand, it is “welcome” and “watch over you” because it gently shakes the flowers in the wind.
Duranta is classified as an evergreen tree. Flowers bloom all year round in warm climates. However, flowers bloom in Japan from summer to autumn. Furthermore, the leaves fall due to the low temperature from autumn to winter. A popular variety is “Takarazuka”, which has dark purple petals with a white border. In addition, there are “Aruba”, which has a white flower color and is cool, and “Lime”, which has bright yellow leaves.
After flowering, Duranta bears many small yellow to orange fruits with conical beaks on the drupe. Fruits contain ingredients such as toxic saponins and alkaloids. Be aware that if your pet accidentally eats the fruit, it can cause diarrhea, vomiting, gastrointestinal bleeding, weakness, and drowsiness.