Pentas is a flower shaped like a star. The flower language is also named after the stars, “wishes” and “hopes come true.” Butterflies prefer to visit because the flowers are long and bloom a lot.
【仮名】ペンタス, クササンタンカ
【英名】Pentas, Egyptian Starcluster
【学名】Pentas lanceolata
【誕生】06/ 15, 06/ 26, 09/ 16, 11/ 05
【開花】05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11月
【花色】White, Pink, Red, Purple

Pentas is an evergreen shrub of the family Rubiaceae. It grows naturally in the tropics from eastern Africa to Yemen in the Middle East. Butterflies such as swallowtail butterflies and Indian fritillary prefer to visit flowers. Not only is it resistant to heat, but it also has a large number of flowers, a long flowering period, is strong and easy to grow, so it can be incorporated into butterfly gardens.
The name of Pentas is derived from the scientific name and means “five” in Latin. This is because it has five petals and is shaped like a star. Therefore, the flower language is also named after the stars, “wishes” and “hopes come true.” On the other hand, the origin of the Japanese name “Kusa Santanka” of Pentas is that it resembles the same Rubiaceae Santanka.
Pentas is vulnerable to over-humidity and prefers a well-ventilated and sunny place. Plant in a well-drained area to prevent root rot, and make sure the soil is dry before irrigation. Leave enough space between the plants to prevent diseases such as Botrytis cinerea and wilt, and pests such as scale insects from dense planting.
On the other hand, when increasing pentas with cuttings, be careful not to let the soil dry. From March to April, when it is not hot yet, use branches cut to a length of about 10 cm. It is planted in hilling soil such as Akadama soil and Kanuma soil, and covered with a lawn cloth to prevent direct sunlight. After about a month, when the roots are fully rooted, replant them in pots or flower beds.