タイサンボク / Southern Magnolia

タイサンボク / Southern Magnolia Backyard
タイサンボク / Southern Magnolia


Southern Magnolia flowers bloom facing upwards at the tips of tall branches. The flowers have six thick petals and three sepals, and both the stamens and pistils are spiral. They give off a fresh, gorgeous fragrance.

【和名】泰山木, 大山木
【英名】Southern Magnolia, Bull Bay
【学名】Magnolia grandiflora
【誕生】06/ 08
【開花】06, 07月



タイサンボク:花が開く前 / Southern Magnolia - Before flowering
タイサンボク:花が開く前 / Southern Magnolia – Before flowering



タイサンボク:開花 / Southern Magnolia - Flowering
タイサンボク:開花 / Southern Magnolia – Flowering



タイサンボク:雄しべと雌しべ / Southern Magnolia - Stamens and pistils
タイサンボク:雄しべと雌しべ / Southern Magnolia – Stamens and pistils



タイサンボク:葉 / Southern Magnolia - Leaf
タイサンボク:葉 / Southern Magnolia – Leaf



タイサンボク:木 / Southern Magnolia - Tree
タイサンボク:木 / Southern Magnolia – Tree


Southern Magnolia

タイサンボク:花 / Southern Magnolia - Flower
タイサンボク:花 / Southern Magnolia – Flower

Southern Magnolia is an evergreen tall tree of the Magnoliaceae family. It is native to the southeastern part of North America and was introduced to Japan in the early Meiji period. It was first planted in Shinjuku Gyoen in Tokyo, and then spread throughout Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu. The flowers bloom facing upwards at the tips of tall branches, giving off a fresh, gorgeous fragrance. The flower language is “bright future,” “dignity,” and “magnificence.”
The Japanese name of Southern Magnolia means “big cup” and comes from the shape of the flower. The Chinese characters for “Taishan,” a sacred place in Shandong Province, China, were used to create the Japanese name. The Latin genus name Magnolia is a tribute to Pierre Magnol, a French botanist from the 17th and 18th centuries. The specific name grandiflora means “large-flowered.”
Southern Magnolia is a tall tree with a thick trunk and gray-brown bark. The leaves are thick, leathery, oblong, with rounded edges, and alternate. The leaves are shiny on the surface and densely covered with brown hairs on the underside. The flowers have six fleshy petals and three sepals, and both the stamens and pistils are spiral. After flowering, the plant forms a bag-like aggregate fruit, and when ripe, orange seeds drop out.
The Southern Magnolia variety “Little Gem” is a dwarf species with a low tree and small leaves and flowers. The flowers begin to bloom when the tree is young and continue to bloom from spring to autumn. The small tree makes it suitable for planting in the garden or in a pot. The leaves have a shiny surface and a brown underside, and the flowers have a strong fragrance. The name of the variety means “little jewel” in English.
A close relative of Southern Magnolia, “Magnolia virginiana,” is native to southeastern North America and was introduced to Japan in the early Showa period. Its Japanese name means “Petite Southern Magnolia” because the tree is low and the flowers are small. The leaves are thin, bright green on the top and grayish white on the bottom. Outside of warm regions, the leaves fall off in winter. The flowers bloom early and are milky white. They have a vanilla-like fragrance.
