カッコウソウ / Betony

カッコウソウ / Betony Backyard
カッコウソウ / Betony


Betony is a plant with lip-shaped flowers that bloom in clusters. It was once used as a medicinal herb in Europe to treat a variety of illnesses. It was also valued as a plant with magical powers.

【仮名】カッコウソウ, カッコウチョロギ, ベトニー
【和名】郭公草, 郭公草石蚕
【学名】Betonica officinalis, Stachys officinalis
【誕生】06/ ??
【開花】05, 06, 07, 08, 09月
【花色】Pink, Purple



カッコウソウ:花穂 / Betony - flower spike
カッコウソウ:花穂 / Betony – flower spike



カッコウソウ:花穂を近くから / Betony - flower spike up close
カッコウソウ:花穂を近くから / Betony – flower spike up close



カッコウソウ:生長点 / Betony - growing point
カッコウソウ:生長点 / Betony – growing point



カッコウソウ:茎と葉 / Betony - stem and leaves
カッコウソウ:茎と葉 / Betony – stem and leaves



カッコウソウ:若い花穂 / Betony - young flower spike
カッコウソウ:若い花穂 / Betony – young flower spike

Betony is a perennial plant of the Lamiaceae family. It is native to Europe, North Africa, and Western Asia, where it grows wild in dry grasslands and sunny forests. It was brought to Japan in the mid-Edo period. In Europe, it was a medicinal herb that was used for various illnesses in the past. It was also valued as a plant with magical powers, such as protecting homes from disasters.
The Japanese name for Betony means “Cuckoo,” a summer bird. This is because the flowers bloom around the time the bird sings. The Latin genus name Betonica comes from the “Vettones,” who lived in the central and western parts of the Iberian Peninsula during the Roman Empire. The specific name officinalis means “medicinal.”
Betony has thin roots. The stems are upright and have a square cross section. The leaves are opposite, oblong, and serrated on the edges. Both the stems and leaves are densely covered with fine white hairs. The flowers are small, lip-shaped flowers that grow in whorls of six and bloom in spikes. The florets have circular upper and lower lips, and ovate middle and side lobes. After flowering, they produce 4 fruits.
Betony stems and leaves are cut during flowering and dried to become a herbal medicine. Its ingredients include stachydrine, trigonelline, tannin, and saponin. Its effects include sedation, diuresis, stomachic, tonic, and astringency. It is used for anxiety, gallstones, heartburn, high blood pressure, migraines, neuralgia, and cuts, but caution is required as it is also toxic.
