The flowers of Fox Glove, which look like a string of small bells, seem to make a pleasant sound when they sway in the wind. They may not actually be foxes, but rather fairy gloves or musical instruments.
【英名】Fox Glove
【誕生】03/ 27, 05/ 23, 06/ 13
【開花】05, 06, 07月
【花色】White, Pink, Red, Purple, Yellow, Orange





Fox Glove

Fox Glove is an annual, perennial, and shrub in the Plantaginaceae family. It is native to the Mediterranean coast and was introduced to Japan during the Meiji period. The Japanese name Digitalis is the Latin genus name, and comes from digitus, which means “finger.” This is because the flowers are shaped like a bag for your fingers. The flowers of Fox Glove, which look like a string of small bells, seem to make a pleasant sound when they sway in the wind.
The name Fox Glove comes from the fact that the shape of the flower looks like a “fox’s glove.” On the other hand, it is said that this Fox is a transformation of folks, which means “fairy.” On the other hand, there is also a theory that the flowers resembled “Foxes gleow,” an ancient musical instrument with bells arranged in an arch shape. In any case, they may actually be fairy gloves or musical instruments.
Fox Glove has an upright stem that does not branch. The basal leaves have long stalks and grow in clusters, while the cauline leaves have short stalks and grow alternately. The leaf blade is ovate to elliptical-lanceolate, with crepe-like wrinkles on the surface and dense white fluff on the underside. A tower-like flower stalk stands upright from the center of the plant. Bell-shaped flowers bloom from the bottom up. After flowering, an egg-shaped capsule is formed.
Fox Glove’s “Digitalis purpurea” has a single flower stalk that stands up and the flowers bloom facing one side. The improved variety “Foxy” is a dwarf variety with multiple flower stalks. “Excelsior” has flowers that bloom facing both sides. Other varieties include “Digitalis grandiflora” with yellow flowers and “Digitalis lutea” with a delicate plant shape.
Fox Glove produces cardiac glycosides such as digitoxin and gitoxin when ingested by mistake, which are highly toxic. Symptoms of poisoning include arrhythmia and palpitations in the circulatory system, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea in the digestive system, and headaches, dizziness, and xanthophoria in the nervous system. If the condition worsens, there is a risk of the heart and lungs stopping, so caution is required.