Zenteika, also known as Nikkokisuge, is a perennial plant that is distributed not only in the Nikko region but throughout Japan. A one-day flower that blooms in the morning and deflate in the evening.
【仮名】ゼンテイカ, セッテイカ, ニッコウキスゲ
【和名】禅庭花, 日光黄菅
【学名】Hemerocallis dumortieri
【誕生】02/ 24, 06/ 04
【開花】07, 08月
【花色】Yellow, Orange

ゼンテイカの学名ヘメロカリスはギリシア語のhemera(一日)とcallos(美)が語源。美しい花が一日でしぼむからです。英語もDay lily。花言葉の「日々新たに」も朝方に開花し、夕方しぼんでしまう一日花だからです。
Zenteika is a perennial plant of the subfamily Hemerocallis. It is also called Nikko Kisuge because it grows naturally in the Nikko region of Tochigi prefecture. This is because Kisuge has yellow flowers and leaves that resemble Carex dispalata.
Even though it is called Nikkokisuge, Zenteika is not an endemic species in the Nikko region, but is distributed all over Japan. The official Japanese name, Zenteika, is based on the fact that Senjogahara in the Nikko region, where this flower grows naturally, is likened to the garden of Chuzenji Temple.
The scientific name Hemerocallis of Zenteika is derived from the Greek words hemera (one day) and callos (beauty). Because beautiful flowers deflate in a day. English is also daylily. This is because the flower language “daily new” also blooms in the morning and deflate in the evening.
Zenteika looks like a Wasuregusa. The way to distinguish is that the flowers of Zenteika bloom sideways and the Wasuregusa bloom upwards. Zenteika blooms about a month earlier than Wasuregusa. The flowers of Zenteika are yellow, but the flowers of Wasuregusa are also orange.