Violet wood-sorrel closes its flowers and leaves at night. At this time, half of the leaves seem to have been eaten, so it is written as “Oxalis”.
【和名】紫片喰, 紫酢漿草
【英名】Violet Wood-sorrel
【学名】Oxalis debilis
【誕生】05/ 20, 10/ 01
【開花】05, 06, 07月

Violet Wood-sorrel
Violet wood-sorrel is a plant belonging to the genus Oxalis in the family Oxalis. Originating in South America, it was introduced for ornamental purposes at the end of the Edo period. It is now widely naturalized in Japan and designated as a alien organism requiring attention. Flower language is “brilliance of the heart”, “joy” and so on.
The petals of violet wood-sorrel flowers close at night and reopen the next morning. When the violet wood-sorrel closes its petals, it also closes its leaves so that it folds. At this time, half of the leaves seem to have been eaten, so it is written as “Oxalis”.
Violet wood-sorrel contains oxalic acid in its leaves and stems and tastes sour when eaten, so it is also referred to as “vinegared wood sorrel”. The genus name “Oxalis” is also a Greek word meaning sour. It is also written as “Oxalis” in China.
Violet wood-sorrel does not seed in Japan. A thick tow root is taken out from the bulb, and a tree is tightly attached between the bulb and the bulb. The tow root of violet wood-sorrel shrinks in the summer and spreads the tree. It breeds vigorously with these innumerable trees.
Violet wood-sorrel is a difficult-to-control weed that makes it difficult to remove the bulbs in the soil. It is not easy to mow because the grass is short and soft. During the flowering period when wood is actively produced, the soil is dug up, or the soil is alkalized with lime to suppress it.
Violet wood-sorrel and clover have similar shaped leaves. Both grow like crawling on three or four leaves. Violet wood-sorrel has heart-shaped leaves, but clover has oval leaves and white patterns, so it can be distinguished.