The origin of the name “Mauve Hakama”, that is Thoroughwort in Japanese, is that the color of the flower is mauve and the shape of the flower looks like Hakama, which is Japanese traditional trousers. When the stems and leaves are picked and dried a little, they give off a Sakuramochi-like smell.
【学名】Eupatorium japonicum
【誕生】09/ 28, 10/ 08, 11/ 06
【開花】08, 09, 10月
【花色】White, Pink, Purple
Thoroughwort is a perennial herb belonging to the family Asteraceae. In Japan, it is distributed from the Kanto region of Honshu to Shikoku and Kyushu, and overseas it is distributed in the Korean Peninsula and China. It used to grow in colonies in sunny and moist places such as riverbanks, but it has declined due to the development of embankments, and now it is cultivated in parks and gardens.
The origin of the name “Mauve Hakama”, that is Thoroughwort in Japanese, is that the color of the flower is mauve and the shape of the flower looks like Hakama, which is Japanese traditional trousers. In the old days, it was called “Araragi” and was written in “Nihonshoki” and “Manyoshu”. This is synonymous with “orchid” and is a general term for plants with fragrance. In China, it is still called “orchid grass”, “fragrant grass”, and “perfume orchid”.
The rhizome of Thoroughwort spreads around, and the stems gather and stand up. The large leaves are deeply divided into three and opposite. The flower is tubular and split into 5, the pistil splits into 2 and elongates, and the stamen is short in the flower tube. Tubular flowers gather to form a flat corolla. Post-flowering achenes fly downy seeds.
The native species of Thoroughwort “Japonicum” has white flowers. The slightly reddish-purple white flowers with similar appearance that grow naturally in mountains and swamps are related species. “Makinoi” that grows wild in the mountains, “Arakianum” that grows wild in swampy areas, and “Hybrid” of Arakianum and Japonicum with red stems. The cultivar “Fortunei” with dark flowers is also increasing.
When the Thoroughwort stems and leaves are picked and dried a little, it smells like sakuramochi. This is because the contained coumarin glycosides are hydrolyzed into aromatic components. Women in the Heian period washed their hair with the water in which these stems and leaves were soaked. In Chinese medicine, it is used as a crude drug “Hairan” for stomach health, and in folk medicine, it is used as a familiar and easy aromatherapy.