Floating Primrose Willow’s Japanese name, “Water Golden Plum”, comes from the fact that it grows near water and has flowers that resemble the alpine plant Trollius, whose Japanese name is “Golden Plum Grass”. Also, because the flower looks like a cup of gold.
【英名】Floating Primrose Willow
【学名】Ludwigia stipulacea
【誕生】08/ 09
【開花】07, 08, 09, 10月

Floating Primrose Willow
Floating Primrose Willow is a perennial plant belonging to the family Onagraceae. In Japan, it grows wild from Honshu to Shikoku and Kyushu, and outside of Japan, it grows wild in Taiwan and China. It forms colonies along watersides and marshes due to disturbances in the growing environment such as flooding of rivers. However, in Japan, due to river development, etc., the number of these species has decreased dramatically, and there is a danger of extinction, so conservation efforts are underway.
Floating Primrose Willow’s Japanese name, “Water Golden Plum”, comes from the fact that it grows near water and has flowers that resemble the alpine plant Trollius, whose Japanese name is “Golden Plum Grass”. Also, because the flower looks like a cup of gold. The English name Floating Primrose Willow is a species of the same genus that grows naturally from Australia to North America and South America. Designated as an invasive alien species in Europe as a troublesome weed.
The stems of Floating Primrose Willow grow floating in water or crawling on the ground, and support roots and aerating roots are extended from the nodes. Because they cannot grow if they are blocked from sunlight, when tall plants such as reeds and common cattails are washed away by river floods, they sprout from chopped stems and seeds hidden in the ground germinate and propagate.
The leaves of Floating Primrose Willow are alternate, oblong and glossy. The flower blooms in the morning and wilts in the evening. The corolla has 5 petals with dented tips, 10 stamens, and the pistil has 5 lobed style, densely hairy in the center. The fruit after flowering is a capsule, but it does not split and falls off even when ripe. After the pericarp decomposes in the soil, the seeds inside are scattered.
The closely related species “Ludwigia peploides”, which has the same English name as Floating Primrose Willow, is very similar in appearance. In addition, “Ludwigia grandiflora” is a related species with large flowers. It was brought to Japan from its native South America and became wild, and has been designated as a specific alien species. “Ludwigia decurrens” is also a naturalized variety called “American Floating Primrose Willow”. The flower has four petals.