Red Morning Glory has flowers that look like Cypress Vine and leaves that are heart-shaped. The flowers are small, funnel-shaped, pentagonal, red around and yellow in the center, with protruding stamens and pistils.
【英名】Red Morning Glory
【学名】Ipomoea coccinea
【誕生】10/ 21
【開花】08, 09, 10月
【花色】Red, Orange

Red Morning Glory
Red Morning Glory is a climbing annual plant belonging to the Convolvulaceae family. It originated in North America and spread to South America, Australia, Asia, and Africa. It was introduced to Japan as an ornamental at the end of the Edo period. It grows naturally from fields close to human settlements to arable land and roadsides.
The origin of “Round Leaves Cypress Vine” which is the Japanese name of Red Morning Glory, is that the leaves are round and the flowers are similar to “Cypress Vine”. the leaves of Cypress Vine are elongated like threads and pinnate. The genus name Ipomoea in Latin means “like a caterpillar” because it crawls up and entangles things. The species name coccinea is “scarlet”, which describes the color of the flowers.
Red Morning Glory is a vine. Stems are attached to various things and grow up to 3 meters in length. The leaves are heart-shaped and alternate. The flowers are one-day flowers that bloom in the morning and wither in the evening. The corolla is a small funnel-shaped pentagon, red around and yellow in the center, with protruding stamens and pistils. After flowering, it forms a capsule, and when ripe, it splits and scatters the seeds.
The closely related species of Red Morning Glory, “Cypress Vine”, has elongated pinnate leaves and crimson flowers. The hybrid of this Cypress Vine and Red Morning Glory is “Cardinal Climber”, and its leaves are split into palmate shapes. Unlike the Red Morning Glory that grows wild like weeds in various places, these Cypress Vine and Cardinal Climber are cultivated for ornamental purposes such as green curtains.