Kawaranadeshiko (Fringed Pink) is a perennial plant commonly called Nadeshiko or Yamato Nadeshiko. It grows in a cool, sunny and well-ventilated place.
【仮名】カワラナデシコ, ナデシコ, ヤマトナデシコ
【和名】河原撫子, 撫子, 大和撫子
【英名】Fringed Pink
【学名】Dianthus superbus
【誕生】07/ 14
【開花】03, 04, 05, 09, 10月
【花色】White, Pink
Fringed Pink
Kawaranadeshiko (Fringed Pink) is a perennial plant belonging to the genus Dianthus in the family Dianthus. The origin of the name is that the pretty flower was called Nadeshiko. Generally speaking, dianthus or dianthus is Kawaranadeshiko.
Kawaranadeshik (Fringed Pink)o is a flower that Japanese people have been familiar with for a long time. Manyoshu contains 26 dianthus songs. It was actively cultivated as a horticultural plant during the Edo period. And it is one of the seven autumn herbs.
Kawaranadeshik (Fringed Pink)o was also used as a medicine. The whole plant in the flowering period is called Dianthus superbus, and the dried seeds are called Dianthus superbus, which are said to have diuretic, menstrual and anti-inflammatory effects.
As the name suggests, Kawaranadeshiko (Fringed Pink) grows in places like riverbanks. This is because I hate high temperatures and humidity, and prefer a cool, sunny and airy environment. It also grows on grasslands, roadsides, mountain slopes, and sandy beaches of the sea.
But now, Kawaranadeshiko (Fringed Pink) is declining. This is because the sunlight and ventilation of grasslands, riverbanks, and forests that were once preserved by mowing and pruning have been impaired by changes in the way people live.
Kawaranadeshiko (Fringed Pink) has several flower words. It is “daring” because it blooms brightly colored flowers and stands out well while the green grass grows thick. If the flower is crimson, it is “pure love”, and if it is white, it is “dexterity, talent”.