The Sweet Autumn Clematis is a white cross flower with a refreshing and sweet scent. On the other hand, it is a poisonous plant that causes inflammation when it comes in contact with the juice from the stems and leaves.
【仮名】センニンソウ, ウマクワズ
【和名】仙人草, 馬食わず
【英名】Sweet Autumn Clematis
【学名】Clematis terniflora
【誕生】08/ 31
【開花】07, 08, 09月

Sweet Autumn Clematis
The Sweet Autumn Clematis is a semi-shrub of the genus Clematis in the family Ranunculaceae. Distribution is from China, Taiwan, Korean Peninsula, Japan’s Hokkaido to Okinawa. The achene fluff is like a hermit’s beard, so it was named the Clematis.
The flowers of the Sweet Autumn Clematis are white crosses. Four calyxes look like petals. Many flowers gather and bloom while entwining vines with other trees. And the flowers give off a refreshing and sweet scent.
Senninsou has other names such as “without eating horses”, “dropping horse teeth”, “missing horse teeth (jacobore)”, “without eating cows”, “missing teeth”, and “tooth grass”. This is a poisonous plant that horses and cows don’t eat.
The root of the Sweet Autumn Clematis is a crude drug called “Waireisen”, and it seems that the leaves were also used for tonsillitis, neuralgia, and rheumatism, but details are unknown. Rather, it causes inflammation when it comes in contact with the juice from the stems and leaves.
The flower language of the Sweet Autumn Clematis is “safety,” “safety,” and “good intentions.” It’s a good word for a refreshing white mustard, but having poison in its body may not be a big problem for hermits.