シクラメン / Cyclamen

シクラメン / Cyclamen Backyard
シクラメン / Cyclamen


Cyclamen flower blooms downward, so the flower language is “shy”. They light up winter like a bonfire, some grow in flowerbeds, and some are fragrant.

【仮名】シクラメン, カガリビバナ
【英名】Cyclamen, Sow Bread
【誕生】01/ 14, 12/ 07
【開花】01, 02, 03, 04, 10, 11, 12月
【花色】White, Pink, Red, Purple, Violet, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange

Cyclamen hederifolium - White
Cyclamen hederifolium – White
Cyclamen hederifolium - Purple
Cyclamen hederifolium – Purple
Cyclamen persicum - White
Cyclamen persicum – White
Cyclamen persicum - Pink
Cyclamen persicum – Pink
Cyclamen persicum - Red
Cyclamen persicum – Red
Cyclamen persicum - Purple
Cyclamen persicum – Purple













History of the Cyclamen

Cyclamen is a perennial plant of the Primulaceae family. The place of origin is the Mediterranean coast. In Europe, improvement progressed mainly on the Persicum species, and many varieties were created. Came to Japan at the end of the Meiji era. The language of flowers is “shyness” because the flower blooms downward, white flowers are “pure” and red flowers are “jealousy”.

Name of Cyclamen

Cyclamen is the Latin genus name, meaning “circle”. It is derived from the rounded shape of the tuber, or from the spiral curling of the peduncle after pollination. Dr. Tomitaro Makino gave it the Japanese name “Bonfire” from the shape of the flower, and Dr. Saburo Okubo named it “Sow Bun” from the literal translation of the English name, but they are rarely used.

Shape of Cyclamen

Cyclamen grows petioles and flower stalks from the tip of the tuber that comes out above the ground. The leaves are heart-shaped and mottled with jagged edges. The tip of the flower stem bends and blooms downward, and the corolla is curved upward with five lobes. The stamens are short and fused to the base of the corolla. After flowering, it produces capsules, and drops seeds near the plant, which the ants carry far away.

Flower bed of Cyclamen

Cultivation of Cyclamen began in earnest in Japan after World War II. Yellow, multi-colored, fringed and double-flowered flowers have also appeared, and have spread as indoor potted plants that light up winter. Furthermore, in 1996, a producer in Saitama Prefecture bred a dwarf variety that was resistant to the cold. “Garden cyclamen” that grows well in flower beds is spreading.

Scent of Cyclamen

Cyclamen flowers contain sesquiterpene, a dust-like odorous component, and citronellol, a rose-like aromatic component,but they are almost odorless due to their very low content. However, in 1996, a researcher in Saitama Prefecture succeeded in using bioengineering to enhance only the aroma component. This “fragrant cyclamen” is also spreading.
