Tea Plants are cultivated at around 1 meter by pruning trees that would be several meters high under natural conditions. The flower blooms facing downward and the yellow stamens are more prominent than the white petals.
【仮名】チャノキ, チャ
【和名】茶の木, 茶
【英名】Tea Plant, Tea
【学名】Camellia sinensis
【誕生】11/ 11, 12/ 08
【開花】09, 10, 11月
【花色】White, Yellow

Tea Plant
Tea Plant is an evergreen tree of the Theaceae family. There are various theories as to where it originated, from China to Vietnam to India. Originally, it prefers fertile, warm, and sunny locations, but through selective breeding, it can tolerate low temperatures, low sunshine, and acidic soil where other crops are difficult to grow. The language of flowers is “pure love” and “reminiscence”.
Tea Plants were introduced to Japan from China during the Nara and Heian periods. It became “cha” from the pronunciation of the Chinese name “tea”. In the Kamakura period, as the custom of drinking tea and the tea ceremony spread, tea production areas were formed in various places. The “mountain tea” that can be seen at the edge of the forest is a cultivated species that escaped and became wild, and is not a wild species.
Tea Plants are cultivated at around 1 meter by pruning trees that would be several meters high under natural conditions. The leaves are alternate, oval-lanceolate with serrated margins, thin and leathery, and glossy on the surface. The flower blooms facing downward, and has 5 white petals, many yellow stamens, and a pistil with 3 cleft tips. After the flowers, dark brown and spherical capsules are formed.
There are two types of Tea Plant. Sinensis, which grows wild in the southern part of China, does not grow large, but is resistant to cold, has strong branches, short stems, and long thin leaves. Assamica, which grows naturally in the Assam region of India, originates from the tropics and subtropics, so although it is vulnerable to cold and dryness, it has large leaves and a high yield.
The leaves of the Tea Plant are steamed, rubbed, or roasted for drinking. Rich in caffeine, tannins and amino acids, it contains essential oils, vitamin C and flavonoids. In Chinese medicine, the young leaves are used as a crude drug called “tea leaves” to treat headaches, diarrhea, overeating, and thirst. The seeds are used as a crude drug “tea seeds” for coughs with phlegm.