The Sasanqua flower is filled with nectar and has a faintly sweet scent. Unlike camellias, it blooms above the leaves and stands out, with thin petals and a fully open corolla. The petals fall off one by one.
【学名】Camellia sasanqua
【誕生】11/ 03, 11/ 16, 11/ 17, 12/ 04
【開花】01, 02, 03, 04, 10, 11, 12月
【花色】White, Pink, Red

Sasanqua is an evergreen tree of the Theaceae family. Originating in Japan, it grows wild in Yamaguchi Prefecture on Honshu, southwestern Shikoku, central and southern Kyushu, and the Nansei Islands. Botanist Carl Peter Thunberg brought it to Europe in the Edo period. In the language of flowers, in addition to “modesty”, the white flower is “charming”, the pink one is “eternal love”, and the red one is “the most beautiful”.
The Japanese name of Sasanqua comes from the Chinese word for camellia flower, means “mountain tea flower”. It was originally called “Sansaka”, then changed to “Sasanka”, and then changed to the current reading “Sazanka”. The Latin genus name Camellia was named after Czechoslovak missionary Georg Joseph Kamel, who studied oriental plants in the 17th century.
The stem and branches of the Sasanqua are smooth brown. The leaves are alternate, elliptical with pointed tips, serrated on the edges, glossy and thick on both sides. The flower is filled with nectar and has a faintly sweet fragrance. It has 5 to 7 petals, many stamens, and 3 lobed pistils. After flowering, the capsule splits into three when ripe, and dark brown seeds come out from inside.
There are three main strains of Sasanqua. The Sasanqua lineage was improved from Sasanqua, and there are varieties such as “Seven Gods of Fortune” and “Cherry blossom moonlit night”, which bloom from October to December. The Cold Camellia lineage was produced by crossbreeding Sasanqua and Camellia, such as “Lion head” and “Maiden”, which bloom from November to March. The Spring Sasanqua lineage ,such as “Scent of plum” and “Smile”, bloom from December to April.
Sasanqua and Camellia belong to the same genus, and their shapes are very similar. The Sasanqua flower blooms above the leaves and stands out. The petals are thin and the corolla is fully open. Tthe petals fall off one by one after flowering. On the other hand, Camellia flower blooms under the leaves and is inconspicuous, with thick petals and a half-open corolla. Poorly scented, the stamens are tubular, and the whole flower falls off after flowering.