キク / Florist’s Daisy

キク / Florist's Daisy Backyard
キク / Florist's Daisy


Florist’s Daisy has many varieties and styles. Large-flowered varieties include thick, tube and flat petals. Medium-flowered varieties include classic chrysanthemums, offering flowers, sprays and potmum. Small-flowered varieties include Kengai and Chrysanthemum dolls.

【仮名】キク, イエギク
【和名】菊, 家菊
【英名】Florist’s Daisy, Florist’s Chrysanthemum
【学名】Chrysanthemum morifolium
【誕生】09/ 09, 10/ 01, 10/ 27, 11/ 03, 11/ 23, 11/ 27, 12/ 01, 12/ 13
【開花】01, 02, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 10, 11, 12月
【花色】White, Pink, Red, Purple, Green, Yellow, Orange

Chrysanthemum morifolium - Edo-giku white
Chrysanthemum morifolium – Edo-giku white
Chrysanthemum morifolium - Ise-giku
Chrysanthemum morifolium – Ise-giku
Chrysanthemum morifolium - Choji-giku
Chrysanthemum morifolium – Choji-giku
Chrysanthemum morifolium - Saga-giku
Chrysanthemum morifolium – Saga-giku
Chrysanthemum morifolium - Edo-giku yellow
Chrysanthemum morifolium – Edo-giku yellow
Chrysanthemum morifolium - Higo-giku
Chrysanthemum morifolium – Higo-giku
Chrysanthemum morifolium - Thick white
Chrysanthemum morifolium – Thick white
Chrysanthemum morifolium - Flat red
Chrysanthemum morifolium – Flat red
Chrysanthemum morifolium - Tube yellow
Chrysanthemum morifolium – Tube yellow














Florist’s Daisy

History of Florist’s Daisy

Florist’s Daisy is an evergreen perennial of the Asteraceae family. Originating in China, it was a hybrid of “Chrysanthemum zawadskii” and “Chrysanthemum indicum”. It came to Japan in the Nara period. The name is the pronunciation of the Chinese name “Chrysanthemum”, and the “rice” included in the kanji represents the shape of the petals. It was said to have medicinal properties for perpetual youth and longevity, so flowers were floating in sake during the Chrysanthemum Festival.

Breeding of Florist’s Daisy

Breeding of Florist’s Daisy was actively promoted in various places during the Edo period. “Saga-giku” with elongated petals standing up, “Edo-giku” with various changing petals, “Ise-giku” with curly petals hanging down, “Higo-giku” used for spiritual training of samurai, “Choji-giku” that blooms like anemone. These are now called “classic chrysanthemums”.

Large-flowered Florist’s Daisy

Large-flowered Florist’s Daisy have a flower diameter of 18 cm or more and come in three types: thick, tube, and flat. Thick flowers are “Atsumono” blooming orderly, “Atsubashiri” protruding from the bottom, “Ohtsukami” like grasped. Tube flowers are “Thick tube”, “Medium tube”, “Thin tube”, “Needle tube”, and “Nagadare”. Flat flowers are single-flowered “Ichimonji”, and the double-flowered “Mino-giku”.

Medium-flowered Florist’s Daisy

Medium-flowered Florist’s Daisy have a flower diameter of 9 to 18 cm. In addition to classic chrysanthemums, Japanese chrysanthemums are used as “offering flowers” that are offered during Obon and the equinoctial week. Western chrysanthemums bred in the United States are “spray mum” with many flowers at the tips of branches, “pot mum” is dwarf and planted in pots and flower beds, and “cushion mum” is hemispherical.

Small-flowered Florist’s Daisy

Small-flowered Florist’s Daisy have a flower diameter of 9 cm or less, and come in a wide variety of colors and shapes. “Kengai” is repeatedly pinched, and blooms without gaps in a kamaboko shape. “Chrysanthemum dolls” is used of rooted stocks, the roots are wrapped with moss and fixed inside, and the flowers are fixed on the surface. “Edible Chrysanthemum” is boiled and dipped, vinegared, mixed, tempura and soup.

Style of Florist’s Daisy

There are some style of Florist’s Daisy. “Sanbon-shitate” is a technique in which three lateral branches are extended from one seedling by pinching, each flower is attached to it, and they are called “Heaven”, “Earth” and “Human” in order of height. “Daruma-zukuri” is Sanbon-shitate with short plant height. “Fukusuke-zukuri” also reduces the plant height, but one flower blooms on one branch.
