Chinese violet cress blooms purple cross flowers in spring. Known as “purple flower vegetables”. Like oilseed rape, flower buds and foliage are edible, and oil can be extracted from seeds.
【仮名】オオアラセイトウ, ショカツサイ, ムラサキハナナ
【和名】大紫羅欄花, 諸葛菜, 紫花菜
【英名】Chinese Violet Cress
【学名】Orychophragmus violaceus
【誕生】02/ 15, 02/ 18, 03/ 14, 04/ 05, 12/ 12
【開花】03, 04, 05月
【花色】White, Violet

オオアラセイトウは「ハナダイコン」と呼ばれることもあります。これはハナダイコン属の「 花大根」に花の色が似ているため。どちらもアブラナ科ですがオオアラセイトウはオオアラセイトウ属です。また、花の形が似ている「ハマダイコン」。これはダイコン属の「浜大根」です。
Chinese Violet Cress
Chinese violet cress is an annual plant of the Brassicaceae family. It was imported from China, the place of origin, to Japan during the Edo period. Although it is an exotic species, the native species of butterflies, “Pieris melete,” which were about to perish, regained their power by feeding on them. With the expansion of cabbage cultivation, they were under pressure from the continent-derived naturalized species “Pieris rapae”.
Chinese violet cress is named by Dr. Tomitaro Makino. Since Rasha, a brushed fabric, is called “Laseita” in Portuguese, the Stock with short white hairs densely growing on the foliage is named “ALaseitou”. It is similar to the Stock and has a large grass, so it is Big Stock. “Oh ALaseitou” is the doctor’s coined word.
Another name for Chinese violet cress is “Zhuge Liang”, which is derived from Chinese warrior Zhuge Liang. Turnips were called Shokatsusai because they were planted in the garrison and used as troops. However, for some reason, in Japan, Shokatsusai is called sweet indigo or leaf peony. Furthermore, for some reason, in both China and Japan, Chinese violet cress has come to be called Shokatsusai.
Chinese violet cress is commonly known as “Murasaki Hanana”. The meaning is purple rape. Its ecology and morphology are similar to those of oilseed rape, and it blooms cross flowers in spring. In addition, flower buds and foliage are edible in the same way, and oil can be extracted from seeds. Generally, the common name is better known than the standard Japanese name.
Chinese violet cress is sometimes called “Hanadaikon”. This is because the color of the flower is similar to that of the “flower radish” of the genus Dame’s rocket. Both belong to the Brassicaceae family, but Chinese violet cress is a genus of Orychophragmus. Also, “Hamadaikon” has a similar flower shape. This is “Hamadaikon” of the genus Radishes.