Oxalis Bowiei came to Japan at the end of the Edo period for ornamental purposes. It spread in warm areas such as Kyushu and Shikoku, and grows naturally in sunny places such as banks and roadsides.
【仮名】ハナカタバミ, オキザリス・ボーウィー
【英名】Oxalis Bowiei
【学名】Oxalis bowiei
【誕生】11/ 21, 12/ 15
【開花】07, 08, 09, 10月

Oxalis Bowiei
History of Oxalis Bowiei
Oxalis Bowiei is a perennial herb of the Oxalidaceae family. The place of origin is the Cape region of South Africa, and it was brought to Japan for ornamental purposes at the end of the Edo period. It spread in warm areas such as Kyushu and Shikoku, and grows naturally in sunny places such as embankments and roadsides. The language of flowers is “brilliance of the heart”, “a mother’s kindness”, “I want to spend time with you”, etc.
Name of Oxalis Bowiei
The Japanese name of Oxalis Bowiei is “Flower oxalis”. The reason for this is that the shape resembles that of the native “Oxalis corniculata”, and the blooming flowers are large and splendid. The genus name oxalis in Latin means “sour” because the leaves and roots contain oxalic acid. The species name Bowiei is a dedication to James Bowie, a 19th-century English botanist who traveled to this plant’s native land.
Shape of Oxalis Bowiei
Oxalis Bowiei has a thick and long rhizome, and the stem, peduncle, and petiole extend from the spindle-shaped tuber. The leaves are trifoliate compound with rounded obcentric leaflets. The flower has five petals and is pink with a yellow center. There are 5 long stamens and 5 short stamens, and the pistil has 5 cleft stigmas. The post-flowering capsule splits when ripe and scatters the seeds.
Close relative of Oxalis Bowiei
Among the Oxalis genus, those with red flowers like Bowiei are “Articulata” who is also native to South Africa, “Debilis” and “Brasiliensis” who are native to South America. The Japanese name for Articulata is “Potato oxalis” which is derived from the enlargement of the rhizome, and the Japanese name for Debilis is “Purple oxalis”, Brasiliensis is “Red oxalis”, both of which are derived from the color of the flowers. The difference from Bowiei is that the flower of these species is small, about half the size, and the petals do not overlap.