モッコウバラ / Banksia Rose

モッコウバラ / Banksia Rose Backyard
モッコウバラ / Banksia Rose


Garden varieties of Banksia Rose generally do not have thorns on their branches, have double yellow flowers, and do not bear fruit. The language of flowers is “purity”, “first love”, and “simple beauty”.

【和名】木香薔薇, 木香茨
【英名】Banksia Rose, Banksian Rose
【学名】Rosa banksiae
【誕生】03/ 29, 04/ 25, 04/ 30, 05/ 16
【開花】04, 05月
【花色】White, Yellow



モッコウバラ:花と蕾 / Banksia Rose - flower and buds
モッコウバラ:花と蕾 / Banksia Rose – flower and buds



モッコウバラ:花々をとても近くから / Banksia Rose - flowers very close up
モッコウバラ:花々をとても近くから / Banksia Rose – flowers very close up



モッコウバラ:花々を近くから / Banksia Rose - flowers up close
モッコウバラ:花々を近くから / Banksia Rose – flowers up close



モッコウバラ:花々 / Banksia Rose - flowers
モッコウバラ:花々 / Banksia Rose – flowers



モッコウバラ:花々を遠くから / Banksia Rose - flowers from a distance
モッコウバラ:花々を遠くから / Banksia Rose – flowers from a distance


Banksia Rose

モッコウバラ:花々をさらに遠くから / Banksia Rose - Flowers from further away
モッコウバラ:花々をさらに遠くから / Banksia Rose – Flowers from further away

Banksia Rose is an evergreen shrub in the Rosaceae family. It is native to central and southern China, and was introduced to Japan during the Edo period. The garden variety generally does not have thorns on its branches, has double yellow flowers, and does not bear fruit. The root is used as a herbal medicine and is used for menstrual irregularities, swelling, and bruises. The language of flowers is “purity”, “first love”, and “simple beauty”.
The Japanese name of Banksia Rose means “Saussurea root Rose”. This is because the smell of the root is similar to Saussurea root. Saussurea root is a perennial herb of the Asteraceae family that grows in northwestern India.It has thick, hard roots with a honey-like aroma, and has been used as a herbal medicine since ancient times as a fragrance. The Latin species name banksiae comes from the 18th century English botanist Joseph Banks.
The branches of Banksia Rose are vine-like and grow vigorously while intertwining with other things. The leaves are alternate, with 3 to 5 leaflets clustered together in a pinnate formation. The leaflets are slightly pointed, oval, and shiny. Flowers are diverse. White flowers are fragrant and bloom late, yellow flowers are abundant and bloom early, single flowers have thorns on the branches, and double flowers have no thorns on the branches.
The Banksia Rose variety “banksiae” is a yellow double-flowered variety grown in China, and “normalis” is a white single-flowered variety. On the other hand, the representative improved horticultural variety is “lutea”, which has double yellow flowers. In addition, “lutescens” has yellow single blooms, and “Alba” has white double blooms. All flowers bloom only once in early summer.
Banksia Rose’s close relative “Rosa chinensis” originates from the same country as China. It blooms all season, has thorns on its branches, has single pink flowers, and produces red fruits. It was brought to Japan during the Heian period as an ornamental, and in Europe it was used as an original species for hybridization. In Chinese medicine, the flower is used as a herbal medicine to treat menstrual irregularities, menstrual pain, and thyroid swelling.
