Blue mist spiraea is similar in flower shape to birds and boats. The stamens and pistils hand over pollen on the back of the insect, which is attracted to the speckled pattern on the petals.
【仮名】カリガネソウ, ヤマドリソウ, ホカケソウ
【和名】雁草, 雁金草, 山鳥草, 帆掛草
【英名】Blue Mist Spiraea
【学名】Tripora divaricata
【誕生】09/ 12
【開花】08, 09月
【花色】Violet, Blue

Blue Mist Spiraea
Blue mist spiraea is a perennial plant of the Labiatae family. Widely distributed from East Asia to the highlands of Central Asia. In Japan, it grows naturally in the mountains of Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu. Prefers sunshine and moist forest edges, is soft and upright, and has a plant height of about 1 m. The leaves are oval and have jagged edges that give off a distinctive odor when touched.
The origin of the name Blue mist spiraea is that the shape of the flower resembles the appearance of a flying goose. It is also called sailing grass because it resembles a sailing boat. There are two petals on the top, one on the left and one on the bottom, and one like a tongue just below. The style of the pistil and the filament of the stamen grow like a bow, and the stigma and anther at the tip hang down in front of the flower.
Blue mist spiraea is an insect-borne flower whose pollen is transmitted by bees and the like. When the weight of the insect is added to the flower, the direction of the flower tilts, and the stigma of the pistil and the anther of the stamen come into contact with the back of the insect. The pistil receives the pollen of other flowers on the back of the insect, and the stamen passes the pollen of its own flower to the back of the insect. In other words, pollen is delivered at the same time.
Blue mist spiraea is similar in flower shape to birds and boats. And the petals like sticking out the tongue, the spot pattern drawn on the petals, the back of the insect attracted to the spot pattern, the delivery of pollen by the stamens and pistils … Perhaps because of such fun, the flower language is “fun memories” in addition to “neatness,” “honesty,” and “substantial.”