Red clover is a pasture of the leguminous family. It is also a green manure that fertilizes the soil. The fertility is strong and the flower language is diligent. On the other hand, it is also a flower of sad love.
【仮名】ムラサキツメクサ, アカツメクサ, アカクローバー
【和名】紫詰草, 赤詰草, 赤クローバー
【英名】Red Clover
【学名】Trifolium pratense
【誕生】04/ 07, 04/ 18, 05/ 24, 05/ 29
【開花】05, 06, 07, 08月
【花色】White, Pink, Purple

ムラサキツメクサは個体変異が大きく、草丈20~80cmと幅があります。葉も三つ葉が1.5~3.0 cm、葉片が0.8~1.5cm、葉柄が1~4cm。一方、花はバラツキが小さく2~3cmです。
Red Clover
Red clover is a perennial grass of the genus Trifolium in the family Leguminosae. Origin is Europe, West Asia, Northwest Africa. It is also a green manure that takes in nitrogen from the air and fertilizes the soil, and is spreading all over the world.
Red clover was introduced to Japan as a pasture along with white clover at the beginning of the Meiji era. It is fertile enough to escape and become wild in many temperate regions such as the United States and Australia. Flower language is diligent.
Red clover is a trefoil. The leaf pieces have a crescent-shaped white pattern in the middle. The flowers are temari-shaped pink. However, there are very rare strains that bloom white flowers, and the fixed species are snow flower stuffed grass and white flower red stuffed grass.
Red clover has a large individual variation, with a plant height of 20 to 80 cm. The leaves are 1.5 to 3.0 cm for trefoil, 0.8 to 1.5 cm for leaf pieces, and 1 to 4 cm for petioles. On the other hand, the flowers have a small variation and are 2 to 3 cm.
Red clover contains isoflavones and estrogens. It suppresses menopausal symptoms in women, but be careful not to overeat because there are cases of sheep infertility. It is also used for coughing, mouth ulcers, eczema and trauma.
One day, on the way to see her beloved daughter, the boat on which the young man was riding capsized. Finding the corpse of a young man who has flowed to the shore, her daughter also enters the water. Red clover bloomed a lot of flowers on the shore the following year.