Obedient plant blooms in four rows with flowers protruding in all directions. The small lip-shaped flowers have pink petals and magenta spots on the inside.
【仮名】ハナトラノオ, カクトラノオ
【和名】花虎の尾, 角虎の尾
【英名】Obedient Plant
【学名】Physostegia virginiana
【誕生】07/ 20, 07/ 27, 08/ 19, 10/ 03
【開花】08, 09月

Obedient Plant
Obedient plant is a Labiatae plant. The place of origin is the eastern part of North America, and it came to Japan in the Taisho era. It grows naturally in sunny places such as grasslands and riverbeds, and is now found all over the country. The flowering season of obedient plant is from August to September. It is a small lip-shaped flower with pink petals and magenta spots on the inside.
Obedient plant has excellent cold resistance and heat resistance, and is very durable. It doesn’t take a lot of hands and grows vigorously. Once planted, the rhizome will grow and spread even if left unattended. However, the weak point is that it takes some time to take root. It is necessary to be careful not to run out of water from March to April when planting obedient plant.
The origin of the name of obedient plant is that the long flower spikes are likened to the tail of a tiger. The hairless stem that stands upright from the rhizome grows to a plant height of 1 to 2 m without branching. The spikes of obedient plant attached above the elongated stems are about 20 cm long. Since the flowers bloom in order from the bottom, the flower language is “hope” and “achievement of hope”.
Obedient plant is also known as Kakutranoo. This is because the cross section of the stem is square. The flowers also bloom in all directions from the spikes and are regularly arranged in four rows. The flower has one pistil and four stamens. The fruit is a dark brown quarter fruit. And Hanatranoo and Kakutranoo are 4 characters. It is obedient plant with many 4s.