The round flowers of dandelions are a collection of small tongue-shaped flowers. Open in the morning and deflate at night. Fluff is a collection of seeds with pappus. Take the wind and leave.
【仮名】タンポポ, ホコウエイ
【英名】Dandelion, Blowball
【誕生】02/ 18, 02/ 19, 03/ 13, 03/ 23, 03/ 29, 04/ 03, 05/ 03
【開花】03, 04月
【花色】White, Yellow

Dandelion is a perennial plant of the Asteraceae family. Native species are widely distributed in the Eurasian continent. They prefer sunny and well-drained areas such as roadsides and fields. The plant height is about 15 cm, but the strong roots are deep and extend to about 50 cm. Even if the above-ground part is cut off, the growth point is near the ground and the underground part remains, so it will be regenerated.
The origin of the name of dandelion is “Tampo”, which is made by rolling cotton and wrapping it in a cloth. Because the fluff is similar, “Tampoho”, that is dandelion. The origin of the Japanese name is the crude drug “Hokouei”. The whole plant is harvested and dried before flowering. The English name is derived from the jagged leaves. It means “lion’s tooth” in French.
Dandelion stems do not have leaves. The leaves unfold near the ground and the edges are jagged. The notch becomes deeper in sunny places and shallower in bad places. Round flowers are a collection of small tongue-shaped flowers. Open in the morning and deflate at night for 3 days. Fluff is a collection of seeds with pappus. Take the wind and leave.
Dandelions are edible wildflowers. The leaves are soaked and the flowers are vinegared. Leaves for salads in Eastern Europe and the Middle East, and flowers for brewing in the United States. In Chinese medicine, dandelions are used for stomach upset, fever reduction, diuresis, etc. If you fry it, you can use it as a substitute for coffee. Since it does not contain caffeine, it does not interfere with sleep and is useful for health and beauty.
There are two types of dandelions: the native species “Japanese dandelion” and the exotic species ” Western dandelion”. In the native species, the total bracts under the flower point straight up along the flower. It adapts to the natural environment of Japan and blooms in spring. Invasive species have all bracts warped outwards, breed in urban areas, and bloom all year round. And the crossing of both species is progressing.