Dalmatian Chrysanthemum contains insecticidal ingredients in its flowers. In the past, it was cultivated for mosquito coils and pesticides. Now, it blooms gracefully in gardens and pots for ornamental purposes.
【仮名】シロバナムシヨケギク, ジョチュウギク
【和名】白花虫除菊, 除虫菊
【英名】Dalmatian Chrysanthemum, Dalmatian Pyrethrum
【学名】Tanacetum cinerariifolium
【誕生】05/ 14, 09/ 23
【開花】05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10月




Dalmatian Chrysanthemum

Dalmatian Chrysanthemum is a perennial plant of the Asteraceae family. It is native to the northwestern part of the Balkan Peninsula and was introduced to Japan in 1886. In the past, it was cultivated for mosquito coils and pesticides because its flowers contain insecticidal ingredients, but they have been replaced by compounds with similar effects and structures. Now, it blooms gracefully in gardens and pots for ornamental purposes.
The Japanese name of Dalmatian Chrysanthemum means “a chrysanthemum with white flowers that repels insects.” The English name comes from Dalmatia, a region on the Adriatic coast of Croatia in Europe. The Latin genus name Tanacetum means “immortality.” The specific name cinerariifolium comes from “cineraria” in the same Asteraceae family.
The stems of Dalmatian Chrysanthemum are stiff, erect at the bottom, and branched at the top. The basal leaves are clumpy and long-stalked, while the stem leaves are alternate and deeply pinnately lobed. Both the stems and leaves are densely covered with white hairs. The flowers resemble daisies, with yellow tubular flowers gathering in the middle and white ray-shaped flowers lining the sides. After flowering, achenes form.
Dalmatian Chrysanthemum contains pyrethrin, an insecticidal compound of the nervous system, in its flowers. It was used as a pesticide because it has low toxicity to humans and decomposes and becomes non-toxic quickly, but has now been replaced by synthetic pyrethroid. Pyrethrin is contained in the ovules in the ovary, but is not contained in nectar or pollen, so it does not prevent butterflies and bees from visiting the flowers.