ライラック / Lilac

ライラック / Lilac Backyard
ライラック / Lilac


The lilac flower, which signals the arrival of summer with its fragrance, has 4 petals. There is a legend that “you can be happy if you find the flower with 5 petals”.

【仮名】ライラック, リラ, ムラサキハシドイ
【学名】Syringa vulgaris
【誕生】05/ 12, 05/ 18, 05/ 30, 06/ 12, 06/ 26
【開花】04, 05, 06月
【花色】White, Purple, Violet


















Lilac ecology

Lilac is a deciduous tree of the Oleaceae family. The place of origin is southeastern Europe. They prefer a cool, well-ventilated, low-humidity environment. It came to Japan with Acacia in the Meiji era and became popular as a garden tree in the Taisho era. Hokkaido, the northern part of the Tohoku region and the plateau area of Honshu are suitable for planting. Flower language is “friendship”, “memories”, etc.

Lilac name

Lilac is an English name. The etymology is “Nila” which means dark blue in Sanskrit. Nila turns into “Lilas”. In France, “when the lilas blooms” means the best season of the year. On the other hand, in Hokkaido, the return of cold in early summer is referred to as “lilas cold”. Lilas turned into lilac.

Japanese name of lilac

The Japanese name for lilac means purple “Hashidoi: Japanese tree lilac”. Hashidoi is a closely related species of lilac that grows naturally in Japan. The flowers are yellowish white and bloom about a month late, although they are similarly fragrant. The origin of the name is that the flowers gather at the tip of the branch, so the “edge gathering” has changed. The popular name “Dosunara” means useless oak.

Lilac genus name

Lilac is the genus Lilac in Japanese, but the genus Syringa in Latin. This is derived from “Syrinx” which means whistle and pipe. In ancient Greece, The shepherds hollowed out the marrow of the lilac branches to make them tubular and used them as whistles. Used for pipes in Turkey. It seems that it was a useful material.

Lilac form

Lilac has many florets densely blooming at the tip of the branch. The small corolla has four petals. However, in rare cases, there is the corolla with five petals. In such a case, the magic of love called “Lucky Lilac”. There is a legend that “If you find the lilac flower with 5 petals, you will be happy.”

Lilac type

Lilac flower colors vary from variety to variety. “Rubra” is a calm reddish purple, “Violacea” is a refreshing bluish purple, and “Alba” is an early blooming white. There used to be a tradition in Europe that “bringing white lilac flowers into your house can cause ominous things,” but now it’s a popular flower color.

Use of lilac

Lilac is resistant to the cold and has a long flowering period, so it is mainly planted in gardens, parks, and streets as an ornamental tree in cool regions. Flowers and fragrance that signal the arrival of summer. Lilac has a sweet odor similar to jasmine, contains an aroma component called lilac alcohol, and is also a raw material for perfumes.
