The stewartia is planted in a temple, imitating a Buddhist sacred tree. The flower language “ephemeral beauty” and the Heike story “Mr. Shengsha must decline” are mysterious.
【仮名】ナツツバキ, シャラノキ, サラノキ, シャラ, サルナメ, シャラソウジュ, サラソウジュ
【和名】夏椿, 沙羅, 娑羅樹, 沙羅双樹
【英名】Japanese Stewartia
【学名】Stewartia pseudocamellia
【誕生】06/ 16, 07/ 15

Japanese Stewartia
Stewartia is a deciduous tree of the genus Stewartia in Theaceae. The place of origin is from Japan to the southern part of the Korean Peninsula. It is a beautiful flower with 5 white petals and yellow threads on the stamens. The flowers bloom in the morning and fall at night. Therefore, the flower language of Japanese stewartia became “loveliness” and “ephemeral beauty”.
There are many other names for Japanese stewartia, such as sal tree, sal tree, sal tree, sal tree, sal tree, and sal tree. Of these, sal tree is the name of a Buddhist sacred tree and is another plant of the genus Shorea in the family Dipterocarpaceae. Sal tree has poor cold resistance and does not grow in the Japanese climate, so Japanese stewartia was planted as a substitute at the temple.
Sara (Sara) of sal tree is a symbol of resurrection, rebirth, and rejuvenation in Sanskrit. Sal tree became a Buddhist sacred tree because the sal tree died under two side-by-side sal trees (double trees). Even at the beginning of “Heike Monogatari”, sal tree flowers will appear in the sense that no matter how vigorous they are, they will surely decline.
In addition, there is Himeshara as a closely related species of Japanese stewartia. Hime (princess) is small. In other words, it means a small Sara tree. Tall Stewartia has smaller flowers and leaves than Japanese stewartia, and its bark is reddish-brown, so it can be distinguished.
The flowers of Japanese stewartia have a mysterious feeling because of the flower language “ephemeral beauty” and the Heike story “successful declining”.