Sunflowers have flowers that face the sun and rotate as the sun moves. However, it will not move when the buds grow and the flowers open.
【仮名】ヒマワリ, ニチリンソウ, ヒグルマ, ヒグルマソウ, ヒマワリソウ, サンフラワー, ソレイユ
【和名】向日葵, 日輪草, 日車, 日車草, 日回り草
【学名】Helianthus annuus
【誕生】07/ 06, 07/ 20, 08/ 02, 08/ 05, 08/ 31
【開花】07, 08, 09月
【花色】Yellow, Orange

Sunflower is an annual plant of the Asteraceae family. The flowers have a shape peculiar to the Asteraceae family, consisting of “tongue-shaped flowers” on the outside and “cylindrical flowers” that are densely packed on the inside.
The name sunflower and the Chinese character “sunflower” are derived from the fact that the flowers face the sun and rotate according to the movement of the sun. In fact, young sunflower leaves and buds face east in the morning and at sunrise and west in the evening and at sunset. Returning during the night and facing east the next morning … Repeatedly.
Since the sunflowers face the sun, the flower language is “love” and “worship.” However, sunflower also means “false wealth.” This comes from the trinkets that the Spaniards, who conquered the Inca Empire, robbed from the shrine maiden who served the temple. The jewelry was made of pure gold and had the shape of a sunflower.
The origin of sunflowers is in the western part of North America. It seems to have been a Native American food crop since BC. Sunflower seeds are brought home by the Spaniards who conquered the Inca Empire in the 16th century. After that, sunflower spreads to France and spreads to Russia as a fat and oil food. It was introduced to Japan in the 17th century.
In addition, sunflowers turn toward the sun only when they are young. By the time the buds grow and the flowers open, they stop growing, and at the end they remain facing east. Also, it seems that the sun does not always face where there is something that blocks sunlight, such as mountains and buildings. Does it mean that a single feeling like a sunflower depends on the time and the case?