Ramanas rose is strong against cold sea breeze and grows naturally in the sandy areas along the sea. It is a Japanese native rose with a sweet scent of flowers, and when smelled, it improves blood flow and widens blood vessels.
【仮名】ハマナス, ハマナシ, マイカイ
【和名】浜茄子, 浜梨
【英名】Ramanas Rose, Rugosa Rose
【学名】Rosa rugosa
【誕生】06/ 05, 07/ 05, 09/ 01, 09/ 07
【開花】04, 05, 06, 07月
【花色】Pink, Purple
Ramanas Rose
Ramanas rose is a shrub of the Rosaceae family. The distribution in Japan is from Hokkaido to the Sanin region on the Sea of Japan side and Ibaraki prefecture on the Pacific side. The distribution outside of Japan is China, the Korean Peninsula, Kabata, and the Chishima Islands. Strong against cold sea breeze and grows naturally in the sandy areas along the coast. A native Japanese rose with a sweet scent of flowers, it is also used for breeding. The flower language is “the fun of traveling.”
The name Ramanas rose comes from the fact that it grows on the sandy beaches of the coast and the ripe fruits are sweet and sour like pears. “Hamanashi” turns into Hamanasu. Also, the fruit is like a small eggplant, so it is “Hama Nasu”. The Latin genus Rosa means “rose” and the species name Lugoza means “wrinkles”. In other words, the wrinkled leaves roses.
Ramanas rose trees are stubborn on the coast and standing inland. It branches well and grows in clusters, and the underground stems grow and grow in clusters. The leaves are small, oval and thick, with jagged edges. Deep leaf veins run like a net and look wrinkled. The trunk, branches and leaves are covered with short hair, and large and small thorns are densely grown. The salt of the sea breeze adheres to these to prevent salt damage.
Ramanas rose flowers have 5 red-purple petals. The pale yellow anthers are densely populated with filaments. When smelled, aroma components such as geraniol stimulate the spinal cord. It has the effect of improving blood flow and widening blood vessels. In addition, flower buds are used as a herbal medicine. It seems to have the effect of calming frustration and improving the flow of air and blood.
Ramanas rose produces round fruits after flowering and ripens red with the stalks attached. When you put it in your mouth, it has a light sweetness and acidity, and there are many seeds. Although it is not delicious, it contains ingredients that are useful for beauty and health, such as vitamin C, carotene, pyrogallol, and tannin. In addition to raw food, it is processed into jam, fruit wine, tea, etc.