Spiderwort has a calm purple petal and a bright yellow anther. A one-day flower that blooms in the morning and withers in the afternoon. The flower language is also “a moment of happiness.”
【誕生】06/ 15, 06/ 23, 08/ 05
【開花】05, 06, 07, 08, 09月
【花色】White, Pink, Purple, Violet

Spiderwort is a perennial plant of the Commelinaceae family. The place of origin is from southern Canada in North America to the West Indian Islands in Central America and northern Argentina in South America. It was introduced into Europe as a garden plant in the 17th century and has spread all over the world from there. They also came to Japan in the early Meiji era. It proliferated vigorously in various places and became wild.
There are about 75 original species of the genus Tradescantia. Some of them stand up straight like “Tradescantia ohiensis”, while others like “Tradescantia fluminensis” have stems that crawl and grow. The leaves are elongated lanceolate and whitish green. It grows alternately. The base is tubular with a sheath holding the stem. The tips of the leaves hang outward.
The flower of Spiderwort has 3 petals, 6 male stamens, and dense purple hair on the filament. The vivid yellow of the anther shines in the calm purple of the petals. A one-day flower that blooms in the morning and withers in the afternoon. Therefore, the flower language is also “a moment of happiness.” Besides that, “I respect” and “cheerful”. After the flowers, the fruits are made.
“Tradescantia andersoniana”, a hybrid of the tall “Tradescantia ohiensis” and the large flower “Tradescantia virginiana”, which are native to the eastern part of North America, are widely distributed. “Tradescantia fluminensis”, which is native to South America and has pure white flowers, is also known as “Nohakata Karakusa”. “Tradescantia zebrina”, which is native to Mexico and has silvery white vertical stripes on its glossy leaves, is also known as “Zebrina”.