Flower peach was grown from fruit peaches in the Edo period to appreciate the flowers. The number of flowers is large and the colors are beautiful, and double-flowered flowers are preferred at the Doll’s Festival of Peach Festival.
【英名】Flower Peach
【学名】Prunus persica
【誕生】03/ 03, 04/ 12, 04/ 14
【開花】03, 04月
【花色】White, Pink, Red

Flower Peach
Flower peach is a deciduous shrub of the Rosaceae family. It was grown from fruit peaches to appreciate the flowers. The origin of peaches is China. It is a fruit tree that has been said to bring good fortune since ancient times, excluding disasters. The arrival to Japan is old and the Yayoi period. In “Kojiki”, when Izanagi escaped from the land of Yomi, he threw a peach at the evil spirit and dismissed it.
It was during the Heian period that peach blossoms began to be admired. The peaches begin to bloom next to the plums, and the cherry blossoms begin to bloom next to the peaches. And it was in the Edo period that flower peach was cultivated. However, the current varieties are almost the same as those at that time. This is a plant where peaches are hard to mutate. Even if it is grown from seeds, it is no different from the parent tree.
“Yaguchi” is double-flowered and bright pink. “Genpei” is a double-flowered tree with pink, white, and squeezed flowers on a single tree at the same time. “Kikumomo” is a double-flowered, elongated pink petal with a sharp point. “Kanhito” is double-flowered and dark scarlet, “Kampaku” is double-flowered and pure white, and “Terute Beni” and “Terute Shiro” are large flowers with brooms.
Flower peach is originally taller, but it has been improved to keep it short. There are various tree shapes when cultivating. Select appropriate varieties and tree shapes such as broom and dwarf in narrow areas and standing and weeping in wide areas. Double-flowered flowers are preferred to single-flowered flowers at the Doll’s Festival of Peach Festival.
Peach flowers are more beautiful than real peach flowers. Therefore, it is not only planted as a garden tree, but also used as a forcing “branch”. Cut the bud branches and heat them in the room to make them bloom. The fruits are set in the same way as peaches, but the fruits are small. It has strong acidity and bitterness and is not suitable for raw food.