There are various types of Primula, such as Polyantha, Julien, Malacoides, and Obconica, and the colors and shapes of the flowers are diverse. It is also called “Western primrose” in Japan.
【仮名】プリムラ, セイヨウサクラソウ, プリムラ・ポリアンサ, プリムラ・マラコイデス
【英名】Primula, Primula Polyantha, Primula Malacoides
【誕生】01/ 18, 01/ 25, 02/ 19, 12/ 09, 12/ 29
【開花】01, 02, 03, 04, 11, 12月
【花色】White, Pink, Red, Purple, Violet, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange
Primula is an annual or perennial herb of Primulaceae family. The name comes from the Latin word Primos, meaning “first”. Because it blooms in early spring before other plants. There are more than 500 species in the world, and the colors and shapes of the flowers are diverse. In Japan, it is also called “Western primrose” in contrast to the native “Primrose”.
The species name of Primula polyantha means “many flowers” and the Japanese name is “Kurinzakura”. A cultivar bred from European species such as Elatior, Vulgaris and Veris. There are tufted flowers that stretch the flower stalks and dwarf species that do not stretch. The language of flowers is “mysterious heart”, “pretty” and “conceited”.
Primula Julian is a horticultural variety that was bred in Japan by crossing the dwarf variety “Juliae”, which is native to the Caucasus, and the European variety Polyantha. The cultivar name is a combination of both species names. The plant height is low, the flowers are large, and the petals have shallow notches like cherry blossoms. The language of flowers is “joy and sorrow of youth”.
The species name of Primula malacoides means “soft”, and the Japanese name is “Keshouzakura” and “Otomezakura”. It originated in Yunnan, China, and was improved mainly in the United Kingdom. The leaves grow from the ground, and are elongated, elliptical and densely hairy on the surface. Flower stalks stand up, and ring-shaped florets bloom step by step. The language of flowers is “first love” and “simple”.
The species name of Primula obconica means “inverted conical”, and the Japanese name is “Tokiwazakura”. It contains a large amount of the toxic alkaloid “Primin”, and depending on the person, it may cause dermatitis if touched. There is also a cultivar with astringent color called “Plicant” that suppresses this toxicity. Flower language is “wealth”.