Pickerelweed has a large number of small flowers blooming in spikes at the tip of a straight flower stalk. The florets have a yellow-green pattern on the upper one of the six petals.
【学名】Pontederia cordata
【誕生】07/ 04
【開花】06, 07, 08, 09, 10月
【花色】Violet, Blue

Pickerelweed is an aquatic perennial plant belonging to the genus Pontederia in the family Pontederiaceae. They are native to North and South America and grow naturally in sunny wetlands. The rhizomes grow in the mud and the plant propagates, so even if the surface of the mud freezes, they will not die unless it freezes to the bottom. But they are vulnerable to the cold of winter, so the Kanto area is the northern limit for their outdoor cultivation in Japan.
The origin of the Japanese name of Pickerelweed is that it is aquatic and has long petioles, and the shape of the leaves resembles that of Asarum nipponicum of Aristolochiaceae. The English name Pickerel is a freshwater fish called “Pike”. Because they grow in clumps and create thickets suitable for spawning. The genus name is a dedication to Giulio Pontedera, an 18th-century Italian botanist.
The leaf of Pickerelweed stalk grows directly from the root, and the leaf is long and heart-shaped. The species name cordata also means “heart” in Latin and is derived from the shape of the leaves. Although closely related species include the wide-leafed “Round-leaved Pickerelweed” and the narrow-leafed “Thin-leaved Pickerelweed”, there is no difference other than the leaf width, so there is a view that they are all the same species.
Pickerelweed has a large number of small flowers at the tip of a straight flower stalk. The small flower has a yellow-green pattern on the upper one of the six petals. After flowering, they produce capsules and propagates in seedlings. Although the stems and leaves are spongy and have buoyancy, they do not float like “Water hyacinth” because their roots grip the soil even when flooded.