Garden Phlox is called Herbaceous Oleander in Japanese, and its origin is because the flower resembles “Oleander”. It is also called “High-class Prostitute” from the Taisho period, and “Perennial Phlox” after the Second World War.
【仮名】クサキョウチクトウ, オイランソウ
【和名】草夾竹桃, 花魁草
【英名】Garden Phlox
【学名】Phlox paniculata
【誕生】06/ 03, 07/ 19
【開花】06, 07, 08, 09, 10月
【花色】White, Pink, Red, Purple, Violet

Garden Phlox
Garden Phlox is a perennial plant of the family Polemoniaceae. Originating in the northeastern United States, it was introduced to Japan in the Edo period at the latest. Although it likes sunny places, it is sensitive to heat, and grows well north of the Kanto region. Planted in the back of the flower bed because it is tall. Flowers bloom in the rainy season, and if cut back, flowers will bloom again in the autumn rain.
Garden Phlox is called Herbaceous Oleander in Japanese, and its origin is because the flower resembles “Oleander”. Because the name was too long, it came to be called “High-class Prostitute” in the Taisho period. Because the atmosphere of flowers was familiar to high-ranking prostitutes, and the smell of flowers was similar to white powder. The name also fell out of use when the red-light district disappeared after the war.
The English name Garden Phlox is derived from the genus name and means “flame” in Latin. The species name paniculata means “panicle”. Even in Japan, after the Second World War, when the Japanese name High-class Prostitute was no longer used, it began to be distributed as “Perennial Phlox” and “Phlox Paniculata”.
Garden Phlox produce small, rounded cones of flowers at the tips of upright stems. The flower has a long tube, a deeply 5-lobed corolla, 5 discreet stamens, and 5 green sepals. After flowering, it bears capsules. The leaves are opposite, have short petioles, and are elongated oval. Not only the flowers but also the leaves are somewhat similar to oleanders.