フキ / Japanese Butterbur

フキ / Japanese Butterbur Backyard
フキ / Japanese Butterbur


In early spring, Japanese Butterbur puts flower stalks covered with bracts above the ground. The language of flowers is “long-awaited”, “charming”, “friends”, etc. They grow in nature, and improved varieties are cultivated.

【仮名】フキ, フキノトウ
【和名】蕗, 蕗の薹
【英名】Japanese Butterbur, Fuki
【学名】Petasites japonicus
【誕生】02/ 25, 11/ 17
【開花】02, 03, 04月
【花色】White, Green, Yellow

Petasites japonicus - Before flowering
Petasites japonicus – Before flowering
Petasites japonicus - Beginning of flowering
Petasites japonicus – Beginning of flowering
Petasites japonicus - Flowering
Petasites japonicus – Flowering












Japanese Butterbur

Japanese Butterbur is a perennial plant of the Asteraceae family. In Japan, it is distributed from Hokkaido to Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu, and overseas from Karafuto to the Korean Peninsula and China. Prefers a slightly damp location without too much sun and strong winds. Dioecious, although difficult to distinguish. From the appearance of the flower stalk, the flower language is “long-awaited”, “charming”, “friends”, etc.

Japanese Butterbur is called “Fuki” in Japan. Fuki originally means that the yellow flowers bloom in the cold season, or the large leaves wipe away dirt. The English name Butterbur is because in the past, butter was wrapped in this leaf and preserved. The Latin genus name Petasites means “large hat for protection from the rain”, and the specific epithet japonicus means “Japan”.

In early spring, Japanese Butterbur puts flower stalks covered with bracts above the ground. Male plants produce yellow bisexual flowers and female plants produce white female flowers. The female plant bears an achene after flowering. The leaves have long thick petioles and wide round leaf blades, but their growth is stagnant in the heat of summer. Although it revives in autumn, it wilts when it gets cold, and only underground stems remain in winter.

“Yama-fuki” with strong lye grows naturally in the mountains, and improved varieties with less lye are cultivated in various places. “Akita-fuki” grown in cold regions is large and has hard petioles, and is processed into tsukudani (food boiled in soy sauce) and pickled in sugar. “Owari-fuki” in the Chubu region has thick petioles and red roots. Kansai “Mizu-fuki” is not widely distributed, but it is small and has soft petioles.

Soft flower stalks of Japanese Butterbur in early spring has long been used in tempura. It contains the active ingredient Sesquiterpene, and has long been used as a herbal medicine to increase appetite and clear phlegm. In addition, the leaf stalk after the flower is boiled down with soy sauce, sake, and sugar to make “Kyarabuki”. However, it must be removed lye as it contains toxic Petasitenine.
