The corn poppy is like a paper craft with very thin petals, and both single-flowered and double-flowered flowers are delicate. The flower language is “comfort,” “labor,” “compassion,” and “cheerful and gentle.”
【仮名】ヒナゲシ, グビジンソウ
【和名】雛芥子, 雛罌粟, 虞美人草
【英名】Corn Poppy, Poppy
【学名】Papaver rhoeas
【誕生】02/ 23, 05/ 29, 06/ 15, 08/ 03
【開花】04, 05, 06, 07月
【花色】White, Pink, Red, Purple, Yellow, Orange
Corn Poppy
Corn poppy is an annual plant of the poppy family. It originated in central Europe and came to Japan during the Edo period. Prefers sunny dry areas and grows vigorously with only seeds. The same genus and heterogeneous “Opium poppy” contains narcotic components in the milky lotion in the body, but corn poppy does not contains. The flower language is “comfort,” “labor,” “compassion,” and “cheerful and gentle.”
The flower stalk of the corn poppy stands upright between the rosette-shaped leaves that spread near the ground. Hairy buds reach their tips downwards and face upwards when the flowers bloom. The petals are like very thin paper crafts, and both single-flowered and double-flowered flowers are delicate. It is different from poppy in that coarse hair grows densely on the whole and deep cuts are made in the leaves.
The Japanese name for corn poppy means “small poppy”. Kaishi is a mustard greens with similar seeds, and its reading has changed to “Keshi: poppy”. Another Japanese name is that the fruit resembles a container and the seed resembles millet. The English name means “poppy in the wheat field” and the weeds have been improved to become a cultivar.
The genus name “Papaver” of the corn poppy is derived from the Latin word “Papa”. Papa is a “porridge” for children. The poppy emulsion has a hypnotic effect, and it was mixed with porridge to put the child to sleep. Another theory is that the petals are as thin as paper, so they are derived from the ancient paper “papyrus”.
Another name for the corn poppy, “Gubijinsou” is derived from “Yui Fei,” which actually existed during the Chu-Han War in China. Yui Fei is wise and beautiful, and receives the favor of Xiang Yu, the warlord of Chu who destroyed Qin. However, Xiang Yu was killed in action after being defeated by Liu Kun, who later became the first emperor of the Western Han. The following year, beautiful flowers bloomed in the graveyard of Yui Fei, who died after that.
The Papaver dubium, a heterogeneous species of the same genus, is a new exotic species that was confirmed in Japan in 1961, but it is now clustered in various places. While it sprinkles a large amount of seeds and proliferates explosively, it releases substances that strongly inhibit the growth of plants around it, so it is being watched as a “plant that has a great impact on the ecosystem”.