ネコノヒゲ / Cat’s Whiskers

ネコノヒゲ / Cat's Whiskers Backyard
ネコノヒゲ / Cat's Whiskers


The stamens and pistils that extend from the petals really look like “Cat’s Whiskers”. It is an ingredient of health tea that has been handed down from ancient times in the Malay Peninsula and Indonesia where it originated.

【仮名】ネコノヒゲ, クミスクチン
【英名】Cat’s Whiskers, Kumis Kuching
【学名】Orthosiphon aristatus
【誕生】09/ 06, 09/ 16, 09/ 27
【開花】06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11月
【花色】White, Violet











Cat’s Whiskers

Cat’s Whiskers is a perennial herb of the Lamiaceae family. The place of origin is the tropical zone from Malaysia in Southeast Asia to India in South Asia. Because it is vulnerable to cold, it is an annual plant in temperate Japan. Plants cannot survive the winter in places with low temperatures, and flowers bloom throughout the year regardless of the length of the day in places with high temperatures. The language of flowers is “fun family”.

The name of Cat’s Whiskers is a literal translation of the Malay language of the place of origin, “Kumis Kuching”. The stamens and pistils extending from the petals look just like a cat’s whiskers. The Latin genus name Orthosiphon means “straight tube” and the species name Aristatus means “with awn” and comes from the shape.

The stem of Cat’s Whiskers is upright, with four ridges and a square cross-section. The leaves are opposite or whorled, oval with pointed tips, and jagged margins. Six flowers are arranged around the stem, and bloom in order from the bottom. The corolla is tubular and has two upper and lower lip petals. Four stamens and a pistil protrude from between them and curve upward.

Cat’s Whiskers grows vigorously and can be propagated easily by division or cuttings. After it has finished blooming in the summer, you can cut it back and it will start blooming again in the fall. On the other hand, it is an ingredient of health tea that has been handed down from ancient times in the Malay Peninsula and Indonesia where it originated. It is still used for nephritis, urinary stones, dysuria, and high blood pressure.
